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    Mini One
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  1. Well I ended up buying it. Bodywork needs a good pollish, and I got the front discs and pads changed at the weekend. Got the rears to do overchristmas but at least it stops now and is driveable. Fortunately it is the first cheap car I have bought where every single nut and bolt came off without much effort. Callipers slid off, pistons were nice and free, and I didn't have to take the big hammer to the discs to release them from the rust. I love people who believe in a little copperslip!!! Done a few wee trips in it and the other half has used it on a couple of longer motorway trips so far. Couple of knocks and bangs to be investigated, one of them I am sure is the exhaust. I don't like the look of the way those springs are set up on the front suspension though!!! Looks like if one of them goes then your tyre is getting mangled too!!! Thrust bearing on clutch sounds a little noisy and there appears to be some noise similar to the tappits on a mk3 escort. I'll have a good poke about on google and see what I can dig out, plus get myself the Haynes manual. No noise from timing chain which is good. All in all it's a tidy wee car for not a lot of money
  2. Cheers @Greydog I went and had a look this morning and it appears pretty tidy. It's the facelift model so I'm quite happy about that. I think the timing chain and tensioner will need done, but that's always a sensible thing to do anyway, especially when you're not sure of the history. There's a slight noise from around the right hand side of engine, reminds of the the tappits on my MK3 Escort. I didn't think to listen for it when pushing the clutch down to see if it went away. Offside rear light has a crack so an easy fix. Only rust I could find was surface rust on driveshafts, suspension arms etc, and some on the underside of the bonnet, the underneath looks pretty clean. The only leak I can see is a weep from the hosepipe from the power steering tank where they join. No gunge around oil filler and oil looks pretty clean/fresh on dipstick. There is an engine mount on the right hand side at the top of the engine that I think might need replaced, and it will most definitely needs pads and discs all round. Bodywork needs a good pollish and wax. Took it for a wee drive on the private roads and the only knocking I can hear is a very slight knock from something at the rear, possibly the right hand side. Power steering is nice and quiet, although to me it feels stiff? But I am driving a 2023 Combo van and the steering is very light so probably not a good comparison. It is smooth and quiet though, and no heavier than my daughters pug 206 from the same era. No warning lights appeared during the 45 minutes I was having a look, apart from the low fuel! All switches and knobs work, passengers electric window sounds a little crunchy. Shocks, springs etc all look good. So I think I will go for it, but of course will see if I can get few quid knocked off first!!! If they say no they say no.
  3. I have been offered the above vehicle for £500, I've yet to go and have a look but it has only covered 70K in it's 20 years. I'll obviously need to check service history etc but the MOT tests confirm the correct mileage. Its last MOT was March this year and the only advisory was "various parts of underside corroded" so I'll need to have a good look at that, but I assume that to mean various suspension arms, etc? It has also sat, unused for some months so the discs and pads will most likely need a good clean, if not replaced. Hopefuly they had the sense to leave the handbrake off. The last MOT before that was October 2020 and the advisory list is looooong, but I'm obviously going to assume this has all been fixed otherwise it wouldn't have passed this year. This is going to be a car for my daughter to start her driving lessons (alongside professional instructor) and I'll probably use it a bit at weekends instead of the works van. At £500 it's pretty cheap, maybe too cheap? But I think it's worth having a look at for the price. Any advice or warnings gratefuly received, TIA
  4. Hey everyone, joined up to get as much information as I can on a 2004 Mini One. Never had a mini before so trying to find out what to look for before I buy it. I'm pretty hands on and do all the simple stuff on current cars, discs, pads, exhausts, springs etc. Looking forward to poking around and asking the same questions, although I will try and use the search function first!!
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