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Everything posted by Vgj

  1. Yes, my car did take a 180 degree turn and in fact made an almost full circle between start of skid, hitting the concrete divider and finally after being rear-ended by the other car.
  2. Hello Everyone, I am seeking help to determine the cause of the damage to my BMW X3's left front side and right rear quarter panel. A few weeks ago, I was involved in an accident while driving on a rainy day. My car lost traction, skidded, and hit the concrete divider before colliding with another vehicle. The incident happened so quickly that I don’t recall the exact sequence of events. Based on my vague recollection, I believe the left front of my car hit the concrete divider, and the right rear was impacted by the other vehicle. However, the police report suggests the opposite. I’m posting here to ask for your opinions. Based on the attached pictures, could you please share your thoughts on which damage is more likely caused by the concrete divider and which by the other car? Your input would be greatly appreciated, as I need to file a rebuttal if my version is correct. Thank you in advance for your help! This is my first post here, so please let me know if it would be better suited for a different forum or topic.
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