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  1. My partner has had this BMW from new, over the past 5 years he has done very few miles (dec 23 to dec 24 269 miles). It’s not given us any trouble over the years but 2 weeks ago he started it up and put it in reverse and it started to judder the yellow engine warning light came on and when he switched it off there was a smell of petrol. We called the AA out the following week they put on there diagnostics tool and said it recorded/faults 3 misfires, but it did not make sense as the first one was only 250 miles after he brought it and the rest did not correspond to the mileage. (Sorry I am not a car person so the terminology may well be wrong) he said the petrol smell was unburnt fuel. Anyway he reset the fault codes switched it on and it ran fine no problems told us to take it for a run we did for about an hour no problems. Tried to go out in it the next day it started juddering again warning light and smell of petrol. My partner is thinking of scrapping it or selling it for parts as he does not want an expensive repair on a car so old, but I am not so sure. It’s only done 41,000, no major problems in the past, tyre sensors replaced a few years back a new battery fitted in Nov 23. last service was 2 years ago by a garage (not dealership). Can anyone help, not sure what to do really apart from that in really good condition.
  2. I am trying to get help with my partners 2009 BMW 3 series. which area should I post this in.
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