Hi all,
Just looking for a bit of advice.
Recently bought a 2007 320d e91 m47 engine pre dpf.
Initially when i bought the car a few weeks back all was good.
However now I am having some issues.
The car is re mapped, straight through exhaust, swirl flaps deleted and egr blanked.
Symptoms -
The car is down on power and MPG is down at 30-35 with relativly normal driving.
When initially driving the car first thing in the morning it will feel like its holding back, then a big plume of black smoke comes out the exhaust and it will stop hesitating and drive almost like its cleared the soot out. This always happens first thing however does randomly happen when out and about too.
Randomly when pulling out of junctions the car does the same thing even when warm and will hesitate/stutter and puff out black smoke from exhaust.
It doesnt like having the pedal put to the floor as it seems to bog down, light throttle driving is fairly ok but when giving it some it will either hesitate randomly or puff alot of black smoke from the exhaust when on full throttle.
Sometimes the car drives absolutely fine with no hesitation however even when driving fine it is certainly down on power but not horrifically. Turbo kicks in as it should as 1500/1600rpm
Things i have done - i have replaced the map sensor on the back of the intake manifold - i have cleaned the MAF sensor. Last service was 3k miles ago checked air filter and this is in good condition still plenty of white left on it.
I have disconnected the MAF sensor and drove with this off but it still drives with all the above listed issues. I have cleared the codes but this keeps coming back. I'm not sure where to go with this now so would appreciate any advice.
Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance im hoping someone can help!