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    118d Msport F40
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  1. Thanks I’ll try again , I’ll fill the car up and add another dpf cleaner and try the regenerative process again. thanks
  2. Hello, yes I have tried the dpf cleaner, and I ran the Carly dpf option last week on an 4 hour motorway drive and it ran for 30 mins and the soot was 2.0. I have had the car serviced and it’s still doing it, my first thought was the dpf or egr valve, where I live it’s all back windy welsh roads heading to anywhere so it does not really get a good run regularly.
  3. Hello one and all. I have a 2019 118d auto m sport F40 series, the issue I am getting is when I put my foot down sometimes I get a vibration and the engine misses a bit, it’s been serviced, im not getting any engine fault codes when plugged into the car, any suggestions?
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