If you can't answer your own question, then I know it wasn't your idea to switch that solenoid with a known good one. You seriously have to be kidding.. so you switched a bad solenoid with a good one and put the bad one where that one came from. And your issue switched up to reflect issues from that same bad solenoid, but now causing errors where the good solenoid came from and no issues where you originally had issues. The whole point of diagnosing a part by swapping it with a known good one is because of the issue follows the bad part... Then the part is no good and you know to replace it. Your mechanic didn't mention this? You had to come ask on a forum? You even kind of answered your own question but to completely answer it, the new code, and the new symptoms you're getting mean that solenoid that you swapped out to test if it was bad, IS BAD. Replace it. Wtf