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rayjay last won the day on February 28

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    2018 Series 2 Active tourer
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  1. Hi all! Replaced my Telematic Unit Battery under the roof lining but broke the clip that holds the battery in! Unit working fine, with loads of gaffa tape holding it together, but really need a replacement battery door as I don't think it will last forever. Just thought, if anybody has replaced a broken unit and still have the duff one, could I have the battery door, providing it has the clip still in tact? Regards to all!! Ray.
  2. Thanks for all the help Dave. I have finally sorted it! I removed the Telematic Unit and took a closer look. The 4 terminals that connect to the fin were twisted and not aligned correctly. I fiddled around a bit and managed to sort these out. Next I checked the battery. The terminals were not actually touching the contacts when the lid was closed. This was mainly due to the fact that the clip on the lid had broken off and the lid was not closing fully to push the battery onto the contacts. So I bent the contacts out slightly, and stuck a piece of card on top of the battery and closed the lid and taped shut with some masking tape! Replaced the unit, connected the three cable connectors, and closed the tailgate. Waited a while and switched on the ignition and all the codes had cleared on there own!! No need to clear any faults. After checking all faults, nothing found!! After thinking that it could cost me a new Unit and Fin costing megga bucks, it cost nothing more than a new battery (£25) and a bit of elbow grease. Boy am I pleased!! I
  3. Have checked this area for any damp but all dry.
  4. Hi Dave. I have had another look at the TCU and re-fitted it. After clearing the codes and restarting the ignition I get the following fault code:B7F317 "GPS aerial Short Circuit to ground" I know that in previous post you mentioned the earth connection, do you know where it is? Could it be one of the four terminals that go from TCU to the Shark Fin? If so any idea which one! It seems to be that you cure one problem and endure another!! Cheers, Ray.
  5. Thanks Dave. It looks like that's the only way to go. I think it may be the 4 terminals that actually connect to the sharks fin. Maybe I didn't push it right in when putting it back. Mind you the clip did pop out>
  6. New to this forum, hope someone can help. "SOS call system failure" came up on instrument panel. Thought it was the battery in the Telematic Unit as suggested. Replaced this with great struggle getting into the rear roof lining! Checked the Fault Codes and removed them. When ignition turned on again I get the above codes. These refer to GPS aerial: open circuit, Telematics Aerial 2 Open Circuit, and telematics Aerial 1 Open Circuit. Can not find a schematic diagram for the Telematic unit to see where to start. Is it possible that I have not replaced the unit correctly or that a connection has come out? What connections are the aerials?
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