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    BMW 116d MSport
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  1. Hello Dave, Just an update on this. I have managed to get an independent road test undertaken yesterday. We were unable to trigger any audible warnings and could only trigger a warning light randomly at very close distance (1 car length) not the 8 car lengths stated. A visual at this distance does not allow any margin for an additional audible or subsequent automatic braking?. The Technician (Arnold Clark) is going to explore this systems operating parameters with colleagues and also hopefully compare it to a similar BMW they have in stock but not available at the time. I have attached the chart supplied by BMW showing the operational parameters.
  2. Thanks again but have done this also. BMW UK are all non technical staff, one young operator doesn't even drive a car so had no idea what I was talking about. All BMW UK can do is book me into a dealer but I have done this twice now but Dealer only plugs it into computer to look for faults which is ridiculous. Probably need someone on the forum who can describe when they are getting any warnings. I understand there should be a visual warning (red car symbol) at around 8 car lengths if parameters for a collision are met (no brakes or steering input). Audible warning at about 4 lengths followed by brake priming then auto brake activation.
  3. Thank you for your response Dave, I have been to BMW Dealer but all they say computer indicates 'no faults' although I had frequent warnings saying system was restricted. They refuse to road test it saying it is dangerous to road test which I dispute as the system should give a visual warning at 8 car lengths and low speeds. I suggested to test it against another BMW with the same system but again they will not. If I have it on the most sensitive setting and get no warnings what is the point of the less sensitive settings. Lots of unanswered questions with this system?
  4. Does anyone have any knowledge of this system. I have 3 setting to choose from but even on the most sensitive setting which is 'early', it does not generate any visual warnings under any circumstances which should trigger within 8 car lengths apparently? Can anyone tell me about their experiences with this system as it appears to be faulty on this vehicle. Thanks.
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