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    X5 E70
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  1. Hi Guys, I’m after a bit of advice here! I have changed the battery and now all of a sudden i’m getting the “Battery Restraint Malfunction” warning on the dashboard. When I go to clear the code and restart the engine the warning comes straight back on. Any ideas what to check first? Thanks in Advance. Ali
  2. That worked. thanks for the advice 👍
  3. Thanks Dave, I’ll give it a shot. 👍👍
  4. Hi Dave, Codes are; 1. 49A6H/18854 Undocumented Code 2. 4C3C Message 3. 4C12H/19474 Undocumented Code Not sure, just purchased vehicle… no book 🤦‍♂️
  5. i'm getting car coded tomorrow! fingers crossed. no clicking… it goes through the motions of starting and sometimes starts for a sec then cuts out. I had these codes (attached) before I replaced batt. no codes now. IMG_1349.mov
  6. Issues Starting - I put the key in and push to start… it tries to turnover and sometimes starts but then cuts out straight away. I have tried to jump it… same outcome! Tried a new battery on it, worked, went for a drive. Tried to start this morning same outcome as before. Anyone else has this issue, any resolve? Thanks in Advance.
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