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  1. Does anyone have any experiance with theseblue halos. I know they wont be legal but im not bothered about that. just wonder if they are worth spending the money on and roughly how logn do they last?
  2. Just a little update on the old girl. Got some blue interior buld and some new head light bulbs (no pics as the camera wouldn't platy ball). Also got the sub and amp wired in. Never had a car so well built what a chew on i had runing the wired. And finally for now i have some german pressed plates in the post hopefully will arrive tomorrow. That is all :D
  3. Well i spent the evening servicing her. The oil that came out was black. but now she has all new filters, new oil and new plugs, so should be good for a few miles.
  4. That looks and sounds well
  5. Thanks for the info bud
  6. cheers
  7. cheers bud ill go have another look.
  8. have you a little hint as to where on the bulk head?
  9. Is there somewhere i can run the power cable from under the bonnet to inside the car (e36 318)? Iv had a look but i cant seem to find anywhere.
  10. Ye i used to be a apprentice mechanic for honda and i dont think i ever seen an exhaust take 15 mins to fit. I sure will get some pics up but i probs wont be doing it untill after christmas.
  11. Cheers bud
  12. Thats what i was thinking. Just need something to replace the current exhaust as its getting rather rusty. Just don't want to get it for it to turn out to be crap.
  13. Has anyone had any experience with the stainless exhausts off ebay? Stainless exhaust
  14. I'v just been looking through your website. I'll order some form of wax on payday. and over the years that i have the car im sure you will get plenty of custom from me.
  15. Thanks bud what wax would you recomend?
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