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    X5 Sport
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  1. As I'm trying to research it I'm getting more and more confused. My 04 facelift X5 has nav but no TV. As said I've bought a DVB-T receiver for it. Is this even going to work?? If so where am I supposed to be plugging the AV cable (audio R, L & Video) from the receiver into my car? I have an AV in & out in back of centre arm rest but that's not it apparently. Really confused! Alex
  2. had a niggle with the X5 since ive bought it. pressing the buttom to fold the mirrors but my passenger side does nothing. when putting the car in reverse the mirror glass dips as it should but theres no folding to it. anyone had this before? anything i should check? will this be expensive to sort out? thanks alex
  3. sorry to resurrect this thread but ive just bought an Eonon DVB-T receiver on ebay for my 04 E53. is this AV socket mentioned literally in the back of the head unit or located in the boot where my nav unit & changer are? need to know as im planning on fitting this week coming. sorry if this is a stupid question, im new to doing this type of thing. answers ASAP please, thanks alex
  4. My facelifts an 04 Alex
  5. Sorry to hijack this thread but I'm also looking to install TV in my 04 3.0d. can I just plug the digital box straight in? Is that what you mean by AV socket? Guessing this is in rear of headunit? Also, any tuners you would recommend? Sorry for so many questions. Thanks in advance Alex
  6. Hi guys. Few for you to hopefully answer....... 1) how do I know which satnav DVD unit it is in my boot for when I order my update for it? Is there some kind of marking, etc? Car is 04 plate if that makes a difference 2) my passenger door mirror doesnt fold but drivers does. However my mirror glass still moves to face down when reversing. Anyone had this? Any rough idea on cost to fix? 3) again on the DVD unit front....does it have to be a certain model or something for it to be able to play normal DVDs? I get a disc error message. As you can tell I'm new, only picked it up on Friday! Haha Thanks in advance Alex
  7. thanks for the welcomes. first question (sorry if in the wrong section, i will move if so)..... the X5 is coming up on 60k miles. as said its a 3.0d auto. are they're any problems occuring with them around this mileage or anything i should be looking out for once i pick it up saturday? it was last serviced at 50k i think. thanks in advance Alex
  8. hi everyone. first time BMW owner here. just bought an 04 X5 3.0D Sport yesterday. picking it up next saturday. hopefully you can help me with any problems or answer any questions i have over the years. speak to you all soon Alex
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