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    320d Touring SE M-Sport
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  1. We need to replace the battery in our 2008 E91 Touring 320d with stop-start. Do I have to follow any particular procedure for this or is it OK simply to disconnect the old one and fit the new one? Any recommendation for reasonable cost supplier? I've found prices ranging from £147 (delivered to me) to £195. Median cost seems to be about £175 Thanks for advice. Jerry
  2. No problemo!! Ta
  3. Hey, Dabsy, Did you read my reply? :unsure: Factory fitted. They's certainly not too wide for the rims. This is the 177BHP version of the 320d TOURING M-Sport Al. Not looked for reviews as such. There's an article in yesterdays Telegraph motoring mag on winter tyres. The point is - I want a set of steel wheels for winter tyres and do not really want such low profile rubber. So I'm looking for recommendation on suitable rim/tyre sizes. Pointers where and/or what anyone? Thanks Jerry
  4. 'cos that's what it comes with - out the factory i expect. :blink: But only on the back. :unsure: I was surprised myself on looking when kwikfit.com gave 4 options for tyre sizes for my car. Ta anyway. Except it is not standard size tyres I want. Jerry
  5. Hello, new here and only been BMW owner for a few weeks. Advice please. For the purpose of towing the heavier caravan we just got, a little too heavy for my Alfa 156 2.4JTD, we purchased a 2008 320d Touring SE Edition M-Sport. Now, SWMBO will use this mostly and being a nervous winter driver, we want to fit winter tyres - which is a good idea anyway. But I don't want to be taking the summer/winter tyres on/off alloy wheels. I think a set of steelies for the winter with higher profile tyres is my preferred option, then I can just swap 'em over again in the spring and put the other set in the garage. Current summer tyres are 225 x 17 front and 255 x 17 rear run flats :huh: I'm not looking at M&S tyres but proper winter tyres. Any advice on my options would be welcome. Thanks Jerry
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