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daz 9879

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Everything posted by daz 9879

  1. nice wheel change 70mm is still quite reserved i had my golf cabby slammed 120 mill ! :D but deffo feeling you on the speed bump issue i'd say a drop of about 40mm would look ace and should still get over the bumps ok
  2. new word for today POP as my engine has just done the aformentioned and spat all the water out the front pulley wheel :( ##### !
  3. my word for the day is PAINT the missus wants the stairs done nuff sied :D:D:D
  4. hi bud and welcome :)
  5. finaly got a pic of me car to show u guy's
  6. hey yh that would be great if you could bud :) pm me your number and we can get something arranged :) a profesional view is allways a good idea :)
  7. ok well after a weekend tinkering me and a mate have come to the conclusion that the crank pully /vibration damper is knackerd pending a call to a few suppliers only to find out its a main dealer part only at £226 + !Removed! vat !!! not a happy bunny right now :( ok rant over i realy appreciate the input guys its certainly helpped me get to the conclusion allbe it an unhappy one.
  8. hey ian i'd be realy gratefull if you wouldn't mind :) if you give me a day, time etc then we could get something arranged and ty in advance :D
  9. thanks for the tip m8 :) sry for the VERY late reply internet probs force me to use the damn phone for a wile :D i've had a go with a tube and a very long screw driver(a mates idea ) but havn't mangaed t locate the exact spot it just seems the whole head is rattling :S recently the oil light (yellow) has started to come back on after i pull off for about a min or so ,so i'm wondering if its getting the propper oil pressure to the top of the engine......also i have some major power loss issues now on throttle it feels like its being strangled for want of a better word or as if its on limp home mode its been sujested that the "disa" valve is to blame has anyone had this issue ?
  10. looking real nice dude :)
  11. signed up yesterday :P
  12. i got my daughters name on the inner forearm in old english txt looking to have a complete sleeve done once i've drawn up the design :)
  13. lmfao absolute quality thin i might have to try this with my staffy cross :D:D:D
  14. ok kool any hintstricks on how to get it to stop rattling if it is or am i opening a large can of worms ? lol
  15. hi guys not been on for a wile so i'll say happy new year to all that read this :D ok down to buisness a rattle started about a month into owning my e46 318 coupe it sounds like its coming from the actuall head/block and my own suspisions are the cam chain, had a "mechanic" look at it for himn to say they all do it dont worry bout it but its gotten louder and its now driving me crazy, spoke to bmw and have been assured that they chains dont "stretch" or break so tbh i'm back to square one if its rattling then it must be loose it does get a little better when its warmed up but still rattles on tickover if anyne can shed any sort of light on a fix for this or poss's as to what else it could be i'd be forever gratefull :) many thinks in advance daz ps it has the 1.9 m43819 engine in it if this helps
  16. ok ty yh its deffo the rear one i'm pressing ;) i'll have a go at the "auto" thing when i go home tonight :)
  17. aww ty for the really warm welcome guys :)
  18. ty guys :)
  19. 32. The multiple 'auto heater/AC combinations at start-up' memory does anyone know how to "play" with these settings cause mine comes on with the ignition and i dont want it to lol also if i press the rear heated window button the whole unit starts blowing .....is this normal or am i a noob and missing a button ? lol any help would be greatly appreciated daz
  20. hi guys new to the forum and thought i;d introduce myself so hey :P
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