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Everything posted by matha

  1. i may be possibly thinkin of a change but not sure yet
  2. ok no probs how do i do that?
  3. im thinking of selling my 2004 318ci sport convertible mint green 45000mls fsh immac cond would anyone be interested?£6250
  4. i found out what the problem was i took it for a service to a local bmw garage and it was loose change in centre console also happens with keys aswell aparently the alarm signal reflects of anything metal.problem solved!!
  5. thanks for the info ill look into that
  6. for some reason my alarm keeps goin off intermitently.its only started happening the last couple of weeks no idea why.anybody got any ideas? the car is 2004 318 con
  7. yes i am m8
  8. im after a wind delector for a 2004 318conv.you can contact me on 07513348045
  9. im after a wind deflector for my 2004 e46 convertible any sugestionswhere the cheapest place to get one?
  10. my car is green n wots the clay n lime prime ive never heard of that b4 n wudnt know wot to do.ive already got sum super resin and deep shine polish
  11. could sumone reccomend which wax or polish is best to use for the best shine and/or protection?
  12. matha


    im thinking about geting my 318ci remapped/tuned.is it worthwhile,what would the benefits be and can anyone reccomend a company in co durham or north east in general?
  13. il try that thanks
  14. ive discovered what the smell is its the floor panel in the boot.wen ive lifted it up underneath is covered in mould n damp.i think condensation is dripping of the plastic toolbox lid in boot but not sure.if i take the metal tools out will this help? anybody got any sugestions please!
  15. ive a 04 318con and have got an awful smell of damp wen i first get in the car but cant find a leak anywer.it seems to be in the boot aswell and wen its icy the toolbox cover in the roof of the boot is always condensated.ive only had the car 5weeks
  16. hi all,my name is mark and im a new member to this site.ive been driving bmw for a couple of years now and currently got a 3series convertible which i must say is very nice.im looking forward to some good banter and quality conversation/education with knowledgeable people!
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