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Everything posted by heath85

  1. +1 to daz. Had that before on mine and it was linkage. Not toooooo bad job, bit of a pain but well worth doing! Makes the world of difference
  2. Dave, what kind of power increase did you get from yours??
  4. Dave, I'm up for either. I'll be a definate for after Xmas and a poss for before Xmas so stick me down mate
  5. Did some one say Amsterdam and road trip. I'm in!! Lol. Oh yeah site speeds good as well haha
  6. Cheers Dabsy. I'll start the investigation this weekend hopefully lol. Mart, bad times about the mrs car mate. Proper hope mine don't cost anything like that haha. Better start by plugging her brain in to see what that's saying!
  7. Hi guys. After a week of praising the car up for running so well to pod and back, it seems I might have spoke to soon. Driving to work this morning, pulled up to a roundabout and she died. Started it again and again but kept dying. After some serious kangaroo juice and misfiring it cleared it self and was fine for another 10 miles. Then started all over again at the next roundabout. After leaving it for a few mins I managed to crawl it to work. Any ideas before I start throwing money at her?? Thought it might be coil packs but being 6 cylinder it should still be driveable. Starting to think fuel problems. Any help would be appreciated. Mark
  8. Hello. Lovely looking car
  9. Have to say, u've both got some proper good pics. Awsome day
  10. Great to meet u all
  11. Have to agree, was a great day. Thanks a lot guys. Suffering now tho. Legs havnt hurt this much in ages!!
  12. I'll be at Wollaston
  13. See what your saying. If no one can tell u then I'd say take note of the part numbers from that site and ring BMW as they are BMW part numbers and they should be able to tell u what they are. If not, google the part numbers. Mark
  14. Hi rhys. Don't know if it's any help but I swear by a website called www.bmwfans.info it gives a break down of every last piece of every BMW. Defo worth a look! Might help u fin your hoses. Mark
  15. Hey guys. Is it to late to sign up and come along with the car?? Mark
  16. Yeah had the wheels rebalanced and the tracking etc done so would imagine that that's all good (although the bloke who did it seemed a bit rubbish). Think I'll defo check the wheel for a buckle as it was hit pretty hard
  17. Finally got my pride and joy back on the road after months of tinkering to have some ermmmm 'not very nice person' reverse into the front passenger corner the first day back on the road and drive off leaving no details (some lovely people out there). Re-done all the body work but have quite a shake through the steering wheel now (more obvious the faster I go). Have had all of the obvious bits looked at, tracking etc plus had a few bits replaced, bushes etc but the shakings still there. Could it be as simple as a buckled wheel?? Have had tyres changed this week but forgot to ask them to check, but surely they'd have noticed. Any help would be really appreciated. Mark
  18. Defo keep the car mate. Ive got a 323ci, apart from the tinest spot of rust on one rear arch (and I'm really picky) Ive never found another spot on mine so have to say from my experience they're spot on. Get her all done up so we don't lose another e36 : )
  19. Gav, them pics are awesome mate. Defo gutted I missed it now!!!
  20. Sounds good. Shame I missed it tho : (
  21. So as feared I had to miss the gaydon BMW show this year. Can anyone tell me how it was, just to rub it in a bit?? Mark
  22. Great shout. I'll have a look about now. Just had a price to re-leather the fronts, £595 the pair, ouch!!!
  23. People. Any idea how much it costs to get seats re-leathered and any recommendations as to where? Need my front two seats doing as its the last thing to do before she's show ready???
  24. Ladies and gents. Any idea how much it costs to get seats re-leathered and any recommendations as to where? Need my front two seats doing as its the last thing to do before she's show ready???
  25. Lovely looking car!!
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