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IanIOM last won the day on February 28 2013

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  1. What I didnt get is more the point,no !Removed! dinner it seems.
  2. Sadly,after my actions today I am suffering a horrid ear ache that reminds me very much of my wifes voice when she is un happy.I fear this may turn into rather serious head ache! I may pop down if I can but it will only be a drink or two.
  3. BMW Car Club of GB 2009/2010. and yes it was a !Removed! nice example back then.............but then again it was only 6 years old at the time so it was to be expected! I haven't seen it for a few years
  4. Get a photo up! I have a number of passenger seats from lhd cars in the shed
  5. we will see whats happens!
  6. Il take a look at the CSL and if is better than it sounds i may change my mind BUTif I'm honest i'm going to see the Carlton
  7. Do you want the simple answer.......Dont! You don't do enough miles, and if you did we would all say buy a diesel. Gonna be blunt but it is a waste of money and sadly will make selling you car more difficult in my eyes
  8. http://www.angliacarauctions.co.uk/classic-auctions/saturday-26th-january.aspx right don't book my space at the table too soon! I have seen something in the above auction that may put me in the dog house!
  9. Doesnt happen to have less than 1/4 tank and parked on a hill by anychance?
  10. Agreed it will,but at the moment its off so happy days
  11. Not always a good thing,Jimmy Saville Range Rover was sold for 27,000 news broke and the car becomes worthless
  12. well you did, they were made in Luton. they rolled off the production line then quickly had the wheels pinched
  13. Good vid that,not to sure about taking a box out on ya back! however the E39 M5 is one of the best drivers cars out there, I look forward to uneducated idiots disagreeing with that comment
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