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Everything posted by Dowder

  1. Jees... I've only been here five minutes and I've made myself look an ##### already :-S
  2. Thats good...... A little expensive in my eyes!!!! :blink:
  3. Thanks guys! Question one is about paint chips, are there any threads on getting them to look as inconspicuous as poss? I've not really dabbled before! I have a line of quite deep (down to the black plastic) chips on the rear bumper, around 10 of them a couple of mm wide. Having only just bought the car I cant yet afford to take it to a bodyshop so a DIY job will have to see me through for a couple of months. Any help gratefully received!
  4. Is it still available? If so I'll take it! Where do I pay?? :) Paul
  5. Hi, I am Paul from Swindon... :) Not New to BMW but new to covertibles! Looking forward to getting to know you all and comparing machinery! I've already compiled a mountain of questions for you all so run for cover all of you :rolleyes: Heres a quick pic on pick up day.......
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