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Everything posted by Ben328

  1. Well before thinking its head gaskit. How often do you find water in the oil, do you use the car regualy and how much do you find... The reason why im asking is, i have a 328 and if i dont use the car for a few days i get a tiny(and i mean tiny) bit of sludge around the cap... thats happend to me twice this year so far when the cars been parked uup for a couple of days.. But if its more then that then like everyone else says.. its head gaskit. Its not a hard job to replace tho.. just make sure you take the time to do chain, water pump, pullys etc. It'll all be worth it in the end..
  2. Ill be there.....
  3. Hi everyone, I'm taking my BMW to Germany next year to hit the big one..I was going to fit an oil cooler to help keep the car cool and the long straight, so not to put it under to much stress. Can this be done to my 328i se E36. If so how would you suggest i do it. Cheers Ben
  4. Hi mate.. i had the same problem on my old 316 compact.. It turned oout to be a split in the hose but because its rigged unless you take it off its hard to find. As for the air filter, i would suggest getting yourself a pannal filter. It does the same job but doesnt mess with the air system. in my opinion i feel they work better. Not sure what everyone else thinks
  5. welcome to the forum m8....I had a go at that idrive stuff and didnt like it one bit.. as for the car brilliant.....
  6. check the connections under the seat(normally the drivers one) Might be condensation or come loose a bit you never know.. Other then that get it plugged in and see what that comes up with.. airbags hurt when you mess with them. i wouldnt advise it. Ben
  7. is it just me or are you getting a smiley face and thats it.... Whats the details of the knocking sound... wheres it coming from..
  8. Found it... to be honest the pic doesnt do the car any justice,, that car is REALLY low...and looks good for it
  9. Ben328


    them cars look damm fine especially the 328... Put the smurf one up as well kirby.. or have you done that in a different thread
  10. Ben328


    will do mate im on it now...i hope your ready lol
  11. Ben328


    Brilliant today everyone. Thanks for the chat and i will deffenatly becoming to the next one Ben
  12. Ben328


    its this sunday.. and there is but i think you can go round them
  13. Ben328


    Hi everyone, i hope you can still make this meet. If anyone else hasnt got a better idea, i was gonna suggest we use the tuder hill entrance to suttonpark and we can meet at the toby carvery just abit further up. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=tuder+hill+sutton+coldfield&hl=en&ll=52.565177,-1.82968&spn=0.002733,0.00802&sll=51.343052,-0.260925&sspn=0.359433,1.026535&t=h&hq=tuder+hill&hnear=Sutton+Coldfield,+West+Midlands,+United+Kingdom&z=18 What do you think Ben
  14. Hi Dan I did the usual compare the market and go compare when i bought my bmw 328.. The cheapest price i found on there was £1500, Then i came here and seen this thread so i had a look. One phone call later and insured my bmw for £600. that pop pickers is a saving of no less then £900.. double thumbs up from me.. Well happy
  15. Ben328


    25ths is fine by me.... gives me time to try this clay melarky out...just to confirm are we still doin sutton park if so which part... as its massive lol
  16. Ben328


    sounds good to me
  17. Ben328


    im still up for it
  18. i had a right laugh.. cant wait till it happens again
  19. Hi My friend had the same problem in is... the cable had slipped of the back of the dial... It was an easy fix
  20. Well every BMW ive had and ive had a couple, have at some point had to have the thrust barring changed on the gear box.... that makes that sort ov noise as well Bmw do say they will last a while but perhaps its worth having it checked.. Ben
  21. Hi Dan... I took out insurance with you the other day after seeing you on this forum, I never got a discount at all.. But anyway i am happy with the price im paying im 27 4 years no claims and got my insurence with you for 700 quid(id be happy with a discount tho lol) Whats annoyed me is at the time of call they requested my proof of no claims which isn't a problem, and my certificate for my immobiliser. I explained to the person that it was fitted by BMW and that i didnt have one so now i have to fill out a form and tell them who installed it what was there qualification and stuff like that.. Well what do i put? and then i get an email asking for copys of my driving license, which is currently with the dvla to have the photo updated.. when i explained this she said i had 10 days to get it back or my insurance will be cancelled but the dvla have told me it will take 3 weeks for my licence to be returned .. I have gave permission for Adrian flux to speak to the dvla to confirm my licence So what do i do now? sorry to be a pain like Ben
  22. Hi mate welcome to the forum... if you get the other switch out without braking the clips you should be able to pop it straight in.. But you might find it easier if you pull the gear surround out and push the switches up from the bottom they should just pop right out.. Ben
  23. Coil overs in my opinion are a bad idea... My mate had them on his and it was terrible, uncomfortable ride and couldn't get up a drop curb lol.. I bought a set off lowering springs from demon tweaks for £150 quid which lowered it 40mm all round which is just about right.. It stiffend it up in the corners perfectly but still allowed me to make it over some(not many) speed bumps... I think it looks cool as well.. If you use to coil overs i wouldnt go anymore then 40 - 50 mm all round.. but i do think 50 would be pushing it Hers a pic of mine at 40mm
  24. well round the town about 25 but on a run fepending on speed anywhere between 40 and 40.. I have a 328
  25. Ben328


    Hi Pete, do you know tamworth, or lichfield at all. I can meet you if you like and you can follow me
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