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mr metatarsal

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mr metatarsal last won the day on January 20 2014

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  • BMW Model
    E46 328i saloon,auto
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  1. okay fellas, let me know what you think about this one. The passenger side window has decided to give up the ghost. According to various websites it is the motor. Here's why question does anyone know if the motor in the rear windows is the same as the front? As I wish to replace the front one with the rear if possible. Any ideas? Thanks for your help
  2. my 1997 328 has done the same thing for the last two years, and yes I have checked it has oil in it. I went on another website and the consensus of opinion there, was that it was a faulty warning light or some such !Removed!. Anyway, apparently it's quite common. I'm sure a quick Google search or look on a 46 fanatics will confirm this information. As I am a cheapskate and well-known for my propensity to spend it not a penny unless I have to, I will continue watching the yellow light. Yes it is annoying, can be worrying, but as I said my car has been doing it for two years and it still drives perfectly well. Best wishes
  3. Ok guys need to do some work on the car,as you know im a cheap ##### and will stoop to anything to save money. Can anyone tell me if there is a definitive list of interchangeable E36 and E46 parts anywhere. My line of thinking is the former are cheaper than the latter. Yes i really am that sad! and tight.Thank you for your input.
  4. not bought from Big motoring world i hope! :unsure:
  5. Har har nice one shipmate. :D
  6. i have no money! ebay it is i guess,or any other helpful suggestions please.
  7. you need a canoe mate,good luck.
  8. but i like cool air!
  9. just got four 225/45/17inch at Angels for a mere £300 squid. Falken the way to go! Why pay more they stick well and last, and survive my high speed runs.
  10. arf arf,poo parts on ebay eh! i suffer from em constantly.Will lay out for some proper ones next time.
  11. mines one! if it aint broke etc!
  12. looking for a good diy on this if any one knows please.
  13. its dead! RIP old friend,passed away after a long illness. Noo compressor i guess.
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