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wee dess

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Everything posted by wee dess

  1. Ha think i've got to go back to work after totalling my wee pride and joy 320ci.... not best pleased with myself to say the least only had it 3 months (about 10,000 miles of fun had though!!!!) in 2 minds what to go for next if i end up losing out on the next toy
  2. Hi there folks fishing for hints or tips on what I should be looking at getting to get my car a bit quicker, pondering over a manifold off a 325 exhaust system and a remap. I know next to sweet nothing about cars or mechanics so thought I'd see whats all been tried n tested. Thanks
  3. Is it easy as the garage only quoted 90 quid supplied and fitted
  4. Well that's the car sorted back bearing brake pipes and I'm just waiting on a quote to get the shoes for the handbrake done, thanks for the reply Ian
  5. I ended up just taking to a garage earlier turns out it was a bearing, I always thought it was a gradual build up to that noise when they went? Or is that just on bm's? Ended up leaving the car at the garage, out of curiosity £100 for a nsr bearing ok?
  6. Ok so had a bit of a sore one tonight noticed a loud whirring like noise coming from the back end, I've only just noticed it tonight and it's got me a bit worried about what kind of bill I might be facing in the morning as I've not long bought it. Could anyone give me some sort of insight as to what it might be, im not 100% but I wouldn't have thought it was a bearing as it hasn't been a gradual build up it's just kind of came on, thanks
  7. Hi there folks I'm looking for some parts for my new toy, it's a 52 plate 320 coupe, Internal parts - Arm rest Leather seats ( black) External - Schnitzer wing mirrors + bumpers Mv2 alloys Any condition or colour as I'm still indecided on what I'm wrapping the car, Thanks for looking
  8. So I've got a nippy problem which I can't shift and I'm unsure if it's something that's just to be expected of a ten year old car My electric window(drivers) intermittently dowdy close right and Is being a bit of a pain, especially as it sticks out roughly about 5/6 mil at the top, Is this just to be expected of a car this age or is there something I can do? Thanks
  9. Now we're just showing off lol,,, a bit too quick is prob the better answer for that one stebaz Still one of the best metal boxes of fun I've been in, just a shame I'll never get insurance for something with that much power!
  10. Welcome along,, haha.
  11. I ended up travelling down past brum for mine mate,,, was well worth the 3 weeks not driving and searching for the right car!!! 600 mile round trip,, got a major bargain and a wee gem that i've had scoured over twice and can only find a brake pipe corroded!!!
  12. My drivers window doesnt seem to close fully and its starting to get on my !Removed!.... Especially as i'm always on a motorway! The doors lined up after closing but as i follow the line of the glass up to where it should be (in against the trim) it looks atleast 5mil out compared to the rest of it Any suggestions or ideas? It may be a 52 plate but i've no other complaints so far......
  13. thats me goosed then i only use iphones, i'm still pretty chuffed done a few hundred miles since having my car home and for a petrol its doing no bad on fuel.
  14. Thanks, will have the pics up soon, hoping to get the car detailed first though, is there an app for this site?
  15. Hi there all, just treated myself to my first bm yesterday, after a 300 mile road test bringing it home i'm still a happy chappy lol. Got a few idea's after i get over the general cosmetics so pics will be coming very soon. Wee Dess 320Ci
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