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Mike S

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    535D M Sport Touring
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  1. Autogylm = top stuff. I particulary like the multi fragrance super slippy glow in the dark luv lube.... ooops did I say that out loud.
  2. Mike S


    Try under the rear seat. I know that on the e34 they put some under there.
  3. ok guys, now then which ones? on ebay they range from 250 to 1200 quid, obviously dont wanna buy cheap and they end up goosed, dont wanna buy expensive to later find i could have got the same result for a lot less.. Whats the best combos with value for money. Bear in mnd, im not going racing , just want to significantly improve what is frankly a poor standard system. Im thinking bog standard drilled grooved discs/greenstuff pads, or am I better spending on quality discs and ok pads?? help
  4. Before upping the power via emaps, I think I need to address the standard braking system on my E61 535D. A few squeaky bum moments promps me to at least change the pads. Anyone got any experience of upgrading a 5 and if so what would you recommend? what do M5's run with?
  5. Heres a top 5 for sale on ebay, totally loaded with goodies and good money. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BMW-535-d-M-Sport-E61-Touring-Massive-Spec-FBMWSH-Rare-find-model-Spc-/320907887854?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item4ab799c4ee
  6. i cant do Saturday, but Sunday yes, and ill get the missus out in the Z4
  7. Yes dave , i agree , has to be a M sport, also, get as many goodies on it as you can,
  8. Hi Its a great motor your lookin for. Im currently swanning around in a 61 plate 330D touring whilst mine is having the rear end replaced. My honest opinion is its a very capable car, tight solid and has plenty of power. noticabley the interior build quality is very good indeed and better that my 08 "5 series". its lower than my 5 and the drive is sportier. BUT and its a big But, ive had it two days and cant wait to get mine back. the 5 is much bigger, more comfortable, similar performance, the 5 cruises at high speed with total ease but still handles superbly when pushed. The most noticable thing is this 3 is a tractor diesel, noisy and rattly. IMO buy a 535D mate, fantastic value for money, super quiet, liniar power. At least look at one , have a test drive and compare. Good luck with your buy. mike
  9. deffo gloss black. but if you live in Cheshire they would have to be Chrome with spinners and pink emblems. (sorry I had my eyes burnt today by a Barbie pink Range Rover. check it out if you dare http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/55-Range-Rover-Sport-2-7TD-HSE-18k-FANTOM-STYLING-PINK-/190660691477?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item2c64434615
  10. Im in, whos organising it?
  11. thanks guys, yes we are fully comp and £100 excess, but just wondered why it couldnt be repaired coz it was in the black surround? just seems like a straight forward repair to me. and sorry Christian but i would be mince meat if I ran her new pride and joy on a 500 mile round trip. If we can get a meeting up north we will gladly bring the Z4 and my 5.
  12. My wife has picked up a stone chip on her Z4. it is just a normal chip with a few crack splinters about the size of a 10p . Autoglass have said because its in the black border surround it cant be repaired and needs a new screen. seems pretty harsh to me. anyone know whether this is correct or are they having my pants down.
  13. Do you want it Ian? if so mail me your address [email protected]
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