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Everything posted by Keefo

  1. http://youtu.be/KjWrNJ0Jl3o There is a video showing whats happening
  2. really weird now... Went to it this morning, and it just opened up as normal, but as soon as we locked it again, NOTHING!! Its broke again! really confused O.o anyone have any idea's. could this be the GM5? Im going to be ripping it out anyway, and send it off just to make sure its not that.
  3. Managed to get in by using the total closure windows and having them open up, and pulling at any handle just does nothing O.o
  4. Hi all! My mate has not used his V Reg 323i In a while, and when we came to it last night, the damn thing wouldn't unlock at all. We don't have a fob key, just a normal key, and when we tried to unlock it, nothing happened at all. Luckily, the total closure windows DID work and wound down, and we tried to start the car and god nothing, we bump started it and left it running a while, but still wouldn't open the doors, even with the internal lock button. You can hear ALL the doors trying to open, but just not popping the pins up at all. Luckily again, we managed to get the boot open, and stick the battery on a trickle charger, and we are sooooo hoping that its just the battery thats at fault. We are still leaving it charging at the moment to get it 100% charged. anyone experienced anything like this before, and what are the chances that it is the battery... and if not, what could the problem be :s Cheers for any help! :EDIT: Battery fully charged, and its exactly the same! My god this is annoying haha could it be the GM5 module??
  5. Here are the codes. Ones for the MAF, one im not so sure about! P0101 which is the MAF I believe. P1622 is the other one that im not sure about! Really pecking my head this now haha Wouldn't be so bad if I knew which part was causing the problems :s
  6. BUMP!! anyone able to help with dash reset?
  7. Ok, I took the battery off for 3 hours, and then after that the light was still on. Then left it off overnight, and its still on :S Any change of a guide to doing a dash reset matey?? Cheers!
  8. ok matey, thats fine with me! Ill try it now :) thanks!
  9. How do you do a Dash Comp Reset? And anoyingly... no, I forgot to disconnect it!
  10. Helloooo everyone again haha Ok, so, I have just fitted a sensor 'fixer' as you can see here. Only problem, is the light is still on the dash!! Im sooooo confused haha We got sent 2 by mistake (one as you can see in the pic, and one without the block on the end), but nether work! Ether that, or something else is causing the problem... Can anyone help by suggesting other places to check? cheers!
  11. ahhh thanks matey! Iv had a bit of a search but cant seem to find anything, so if you could that would be great :) cheers!
  12. ahh sweet :) so if I bought something like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BMW-PLUGnPLAY-OCCUPANCY-MAT-SENSOR-AIRBAG-BYPASS-UNIT-E46E36E38E39E60E65M3M5Z3X5-/230734780963?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item35b8dd5a23 , would it fix it? do I still not need to reset the Airbag error codes with a SRS reader or something? Or should it be all good after fitting this? Cheers! Keith
  13. Hi all! Recently got my hands on a nice BMW 323 Ci and have had the pleasure of trying to get some things sorted on it. Got it fairly cheaply so I expected problems to be honest haha First up was the rear breaks sticking, had them off and cleaned them up and all is good, then the handbrake drum was pretty shot, so cleaned that up and now that's all perfectly fine! The only thing that's confusing me, if that the airbag light is constantly one! I tried connecting my OBD2 kit to it, and It read a couple of error codes, but nothing that I hadn't already sorted, so reset them and they have not returned since. So im still stuck with the damn light on! Anyone able to shed some light as to whats causing this? Any common problems with sensors, looms etc? Cheers! Keith
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