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Everything posted by Dave328i

  1. It's not the disc as its not happening under braking. Had a look today, I found play in the UJ's on the lower steering column. Bought a new one on eBay for £25, genuine BMW new old stock unit, cha ching!!!! Hopefully that will sort it
  2. The only time iridium ones have made a difference to me is in my motorbike, I put that down to the load on them at high revs. My cars have always had super 4's.....
  3. Did that too, forgot to add that!
  4. Peeps.... Got a steering wobble/vibration on my E36 cab. So far I've..... Poly bushes on lower arms, with new lower arms at the same time. Poly bushed the rear arms. Tracking done, all good. Checked the tie rod arms inner and outer, no visable play etc, the inner arms dont look very old either. Is there a known fault with the steering rack?? I was going to try a steering fluid change first, and if that doesn't work considder a new rack but thought I'd get some tips before I fork out for one!! Dave
  5. Dave328i


    Caz, poly bushes are worth a thought, the rear arm body mount bushes cost me £40 from powerflex and though a swine to get the old bushes out, the poly's went in perfectly. And of course they will last forever....
  6. Ian Had a battery drain on mine recently, though it was more serious than yours as it drained totally overnight!! Traced this to a fault within the alternator itself, it was cross feeding so I changed it for a new one and problem solved. Might be worth just unplugging yours to see if the drain stops, at least that way you can rule it out. Dave
  7. Nice one Ian, cheers
  8. That's interesting as my local dealer told me it was not available separately from the motor, so I was looking at a £400 plus bill for the whole thing, I'm not paying that obviously.
  9. Dave328i

    E36 Roof Motor

    I'm after the drive gear from the E36 cabriolet roof motor. It's the main motor mounted to the underside of the boot, and drives the main roof section. Mine has stripped the teeth of the cog on the motor, but these come off via a C clip that secures them. Does anyne have an old/burnt out motor they would mind sending me the cog from? I dont mind paying a sensible fee. Dave
  10. Guys... I've discovered that the reason my E36 roof motor is slipping is that some fool has failed to engage the motor properly at some stage and it's stiripped half the length of the teeth off the cog. The motor is the main roof motor, mounted to the underside of the boot roof. Does anyone have a burnet out E36 roof motor, with a working drive cog? The cog is held on by a C clip so could be popped off and posted. I'm willing to pay a sensible figure for one If I get any offers.. Dave
  11. I bought these flat ones from eBay, only £6 and there brilliant!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=310350843475
  12. Guys I've had a read through and played with the search button on the forum but I cant seem to find the answer. My E36 roof seems to slip?? When I bought the car the roof worked, apart from the rear window section did not lift high enough for the roof cover to open fully. Also the roof would get stuck when trying to go "back", quick nudge with my hand and away it went. I put this down to lack of lube and added it to my list of things to do later, then winter hit and that was that. I've tried to drop the roof a couple times lately just to make sure it gets used, and now I can hear the motor slipping, it sound like the "cogs" are missing and you get the usual noise that goes with it, bl**dy loud too!! What is the best thing to do? Is there parts of the roof frame that might need adjusting or is it motor replacement thats needed. Answers on a postcard please.... :) Dave
  13. Is it really that bad? lol I've got the second lot of polys on order along with the rear strut bushes, hopefully this will sort my issues B)
  14. I've got my eyes on a set, £140 mind.... :o Thanks for the help Dabsy
  15. The front end does look a bit higher than the rear, but I did some work there. I fitted new front control arms complete with ball joints and did the problematic bushes on the rear of the arms, I went for Powerflex Polybushes instead of fighting with the more expensive OE rubber units. Theres nothing in the boot so theres no issues there, it is a cabriolet if that can cause issues there....
  16. Hi all Just a quick introduction from me as I've joind the club today. Bough my first and only BMW back in October 2011 and have to say I'm liking it so far. Looking forward to the warmer weather so I can drop the roof and pose! lol Bought my E36 328i on eBay like many folks I guess these days, got a few issues with it but nothing I'm sure wont be sorted with advice from the forums. Laters, Dave
  17. Shes rides along just fine, quite smooth really , the spring cups were in good order so I left them in, should I have changed them?
  18. Hi all, new to the forum and looking for some help!! I've got a 1996 E36 328 cabriolet which is sitting very low to the rear. I'm not too bad with the mechanics of vehicles so I changed the suspension springs thinking that would be the issue, but shes still sitting low. There is also a creaking noise from the rear end over bigger bumps, the Mrs reckons a duck is caught under there from the noise lol. I know a comen fault is the rear trailing arm bushes, but if these are worn to excess can that make the car sit low too?? Any advice on things to check etc are very welcome. It's a bit feezing out there to be getting under the car but I'll do what I can. Cheers, Dave (the newbie)
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