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    2002 330ci Coupe
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  1. It has been a busy weekend again, repaired the shogun, removed the rust from the front arches on the 330 filled, sanded and painted them. Pictures attached.
  2. Wow, newtis.info that is a find thank you sir for pointing me in the right direction.
  3. Hi thanks for the welcome, did a bit more digging, isn't realoem just the dogs...……….. I do like technical drawings.... Anyway I intend doing the clutch myself, now as with everything you can go cheap, middle of the road or eyewatering with respect to buying the clutch kit, but according to all I have read you need some fantastic superdooper specialist tools to set the SACS pressure plate up. so its £300 for the kit and another £150 for the tools. In the process of looking for the correct kit I came across a conversion kit, to change the Dual Mass flywheel to a Solid one for about the same price, comes with a clutch kit, need to do a bit more digging to find out if the pressure plate is SACS. so does anyone know the following: Is there a technical advantage for changing to a solid flywheel? Is the Dual Mass flywheel just a gimmick to generate after sales profit? would I have to change the fork, slave cylinder after fitting the conversion kit if the pressure plate is not SACS?
  4. Hi All, back in a BMW after a sojourn in a jag (Mondeo in drag) and Shogun Sport, mid life crisis I guess. Anyway, after I had to scrap the Jag and the shogun going pop, I thought I better get a BMW as the two I owned previously never let me down, I came across a 2002 330ci se Coupe in need of a lot of TLC, every panel scratched, some rust around the front wheel arches, an interior you would not want to sit in, manual trans, in black sapphire metallic with 19'' AC schnitzer alloys. I got it for what I thought was a good price, was I admit a bit ambivalent about it when I picked it up, however after the 40 mile drive home I started to like it. Now after a weekend of fettling I love it, most of the scratches have gone, the drivers seat has been rewired and stitched, all the leather has been cleaned, fed and protected and paint has been ordered to tackle the rusty arches. However this still leaves me with the slipping clutch only slips when you are aggressive on the throttle, but me being me it has to be changed...…… I have no problem with doing this myself, but, if cubs taught me anything, its be prepared. Been looking at clutch kits and can find plenty, for either dual mass or solid flywheels, so the question is: HOW DO I FIND OUT IF THE CAR HAS A DUAL MASS OR SOLID FLYWHEEL WITHOUT TAKING THE TRANSMITION OFF? Help please. Stu
  5. Hi, Whoever the PO of my car was had the Heater Valve under the bonnet bypassed, in the process junking the Valve, i now have full heat all the time, OK in Winter, but a bit Barbados in the summer. In junking the Valve he was kind enough to misplace the wiring for the valve as well. I need an engine manual to be able to trace where the connector is supposed to appear from the loom. Engine is an M43b19 Stu
  6. As above, in the Great Yarmouth area
  7. Hi, Have a 326 with 4cyl 1.9 petrol, and have an oil leak somewhere behind the oil filter housin and under the intake any ideas where it could be coming from?
  8. I have come into ownership of a 316 1.9 Sallon, BMW build date Aug 2000 on an X plate. When i first got it home i lifted the bonnet and noticed that the pipe to the thermostat from the radiator was stone cold whilst the one to the expansion tank was red hot, and there was no heat coming from the heater. been a tale of woe since............. can't seem to bleed it, going sort of crazy
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