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Everything posted by james87uk

  1. Hi guys, I need to replace the Glow Plugs on my 2006 e90 320d m sport, and although I have all the gear, I have no idea ha. I have searched for a DIY guide, but I cannot find one anywhere. Any ideas where i might find one?
  2. I didnt get chance to look at the weekend, it never stopped raining, and my days of farting around in the rain are over, hopefully its better this weekend.
  3. I have had the alloys refurbed today, they were fine, no cracks, or mishaped. So i will investigate more tmorrow
  4. Brilliant Michael thankyou, I am having my alloys powdercoated tomorrow, so they will be taking the tyres off the rims, so they will let me know if any have a crack. And on saturday I will dust off the trolly jack and get poking around, I roughly know what I am looking at, but I will get my friend who is a mechanic to double check. Its just soo bluddy anoying this, but hopefully I will get to the bottom of it. Thank you both for your help, didnt think anybody was going to reply. I will let you know of the outcome.
  5. I have a 320d saloon msport, and the other week I accidently hit a hurb quite hard and its hasnt drove the same sinse. I didnt hit the face of the rim, I hit it straight on ( I drove over it, Passenger Side front), and sinse then the steering wheel doesnt sit dead straight, it pulls to the left, and it pulls all over when I brake. I took it to the local tyre place, and they said I it would be the tracking, so they put the equipment on, and said the tracking was fine, but they could see I had bent the rack end. So i booked it in to have it fitted the next day and have it tracked up. The next day I got in the car, and still the same! I noticed their equipement for tracking was a bit basic, so I took it to Bush Tyres to have a second opinion, they have alot more hi tec equipment. They put it on the ramps, and sure enough once all was set up, it showed the tracking was well out on the passenger side front and rear. So I booked it in for yesterday, and they phoned me up saying they have managed to adjust it so its all correct on the computer. So i picked it up last night, and suprise suprise, exactly the same, its still pulls to the left, the steering wheel wont sit straight, and when you straighten it it goes to the right. Its just really annoying as I have only had the car 2 weeks, and before it drove like brand new, the steering wheel would stay centre, and the car would drive true. But now I dont know what to suggest, and having now spent £150 on it and its still not being much better, I am reluctant to spend anymore money on it, but I do want it sorting as its bugging me! Has anyone any suggesttions to what it could be?? thanks guys.
  6. yes unfortunatly haha, cheers mate
  7. Hi all, I have finally bought a BMW 320D! I have been looking for the right one sinse the start of the year, and finally own one. I was after a 320D coupe, but I couldn't find one that I wanted, and I nearly got conned with one that had outstanding finance. Then this beauty popped up on ebay 30 miles away from my home. Its a e90 320d msport [163] , on a 06 plate, 100,000 miles, full bmw service history, 2 owners, full years test, good tyres, and in very good overall condition. I have already bought some LED rear number plate lights, swirl flap blanking plates, and I am also looking at HID kits, but I do need help with that, there are so many different kits, and all say FAULT FREE, but with the price difference I cant see it. So if anybody can help me with what to buy and what to avoid, that would be great! I gave the car a 3 hour valet at the weekend, and fully GuardX'd the paintwork and interior (I was a valeter for 5 years), and I found the paintwork is covered in stratches from the car wash and other scratches, so I will be fully flatted and machined it once the hosepipe ban is over. The front bumper has also had a wollop, is abit mishaped and theres loads of stress crack all over it (as shown in the pics), so that will be off to the body shop. The interior is pretty much unmarked, apart from the pillars, the fabric is really warn on them (as shown in the pics below), so i will try and find some second hand ones from somewhere? Anyway heres a few piccys. Before the valet: And in stage 1 and 2 GuardX: And after: And the damage:
  8. ok mate I will, how do I search users?
  9. cheers guys! and thanks matey, I will do, got a few to look at this weekend so I need some info, cheers.
  10. Thanks guys! Cheers for that mate, I always do the usual checks, just wondered if there was any specific things to look for on this model. I will just have to try my luck.
  11. cheers I have just looked on PMW Ltd's website, it has explained it all.
  12. Hi guys, I am after a 320D coupe CD/sport, and was wondering if you had any tips? My loan has been aproved and I have the money, and I am off to look at a few this weekend. I have done some research on them, I know it is best to buy one post 2003 because of the turbo issue, and I have had a look at the buying guide on here aswell. But I was just wondering what are the main things I should look out for when buying, i know most cars have little faults, but are there any major ones to look out for on the diesel model? I am very confused with my lack of knowledge on BMW's, and the prices vary soo much! I have been looking on autotrader, and they are so varied, it just makes me suspicious! Any tips you guys have would be great, so I can write a list and take it with me this weekend. Thanks guys!
  13. Hi Everyone, My name is James, and not only am I new to the forum, I am new to BMW's. I have been a Vauxhall enthusiast for 9 years, and I have only ever owned a vauxhall (13 to be precise). I am ex valeter and abit of a clean freak, so I do look after my cars very well, good going over every Saturday morning and always taking pictures. I have always admired BMW's, and now I can afford to insure one, I am looking to buy one. My loan has been aproved and I have the money, and I am off to look at a few this weekend. I am after a 320D coupe. I have done some research on them, I know it is best to buy one post 2003 because of the turbo issue, and I have had a look at the buying guide on here aswell. But I was just wondering what are the main things I should look out for when buying, i know most cars have little faults, but are there any major ones to look out for on the diesel model? I am very confused with my lack of knowledge on BMW's, and the prices vary soo much! I have been looking on autotrader, and they are so varied, it just makes me suspicious! Any tips you guys have would be great, so I can write a list and take it with me this weekend. Thanks guys!
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