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hi8prt last won the day on June 18 2018

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    320 td compact
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  1. Hi all my off side angel light has stopped working and would like to upgrade when I replace it ( bright white rather than the current dull amber). Can anyone please point my to a good reliable make of bulb/ fitting that with not cause problems with the car warning system, I believe its cabus ????. cheers in advance Phil PS sorry it's a 2011 e91 diesel
  2. cheers again Geoff have contacted bmw £103 was trying to look to see if anyone on here had any idea's
  3. hi thanks for getting back Geoff no this is not the part the item I am after is No17 on the diagram cheers Phil
  4. hi could anyone help please what is the rubber mount bar/weight bolted to the back of the rear diff, mine needs replacing cheers Phil
  5. Hi Guy's sorted mine out thanks. the problem was the spindle/shaft that goes through the back window it was seized ! open the window and take hold of the wiper arm and turn the arm so as to wipe the back window you should be able to do with a slight resistance, if unable to remove from the glass (easy ) and spend some time freeing the spindle with wd40 when you have done so grease the spindle and rebuild job sorted *************** i will now do this once or twice a year to keep it free *********** if you are not careful and break it the cost of a new one is £62 easy way to check your wiper motor is to lock the latch in the boot lock by simply pressing the latch down and then you can activate the rear wiper to check if the motor is ok or U/S Dont forget to align the pin from the arm back into the hole on the disk on the motor cheers Phil
  6. Hi Guy's, yesterday i bought myself a 320d touring a 05' on a 54 plate and have found a couple of faults. I will deal with the rear wiper first it is not working using the stalk the front wipers and washers are all ok the rear when you push it the wash has worked twice in about 50 attempts and when it did work the wash ran for quite a while after i had released the stalk, the wiper has attempted to wipe once or twice to wipe with no joy. The fuses are all ok when i open the back window and check the more is is as if the motor has attempted to wipe but only a small amount and i must say that with the window open i have tried to move the wiper arm as it is free of the motor and it is very and i mean very stiff/.tight ??? any ideas thanks in advance for ant help cheers Phil
  7. thanks Guys
  8. ok i know what a plonker but on a serious note just went and put 7 litres of unleaded in the wifes 2002 320td compact before i realised my mistake topped the rest up with 56 litres of diesel drove steady home all seems ok but intend to keep topping up at say evey hundred miles should i be ok ????? have seen it somewhere that i should add some oil ????? to the fuel tank and if so whhat oil???? hope you can help cheers Phil
  9. thanks for the reply but all the one's on ebay are quoted as not for 64bit which my laptop is "cheers" Phil
  10. hi all, new to the site as i have just purchased a 02 series 3 320td and would like your help 1 where can i find a workshop manual for the car preferably on cd that will run windows7 64bit ? 2 what oil should i use as i plan to change the oil castrol recommend 0/30 fully synthetic what do you think as the car has 122k+ on the clock ? 3 i am about to check and replace the swirl valves as i've been advised to do so asap whilst doing so is there anything i should whilst i've got this dismantled such as any filter ? 4 when i removed the engine cover at the front of the engine i noticed what i believe to be a pipe missing what are your thoughts please thanks in advance for any help given " CHEERS " Phil
  11. Hi folks just thought i,d introduce myself, the name is Phil and have just purchased a 2002 BMW 320 TD SE compact. Bought it on 27-02-12 from a private seller, i'll post a couple of pictures when i get chance. I bought the car for the wife as her car a 04' rover 25 1.6 ixl has given up with what i suspect is a blown head gasket and was in a repair or not to repair kind of mind, we had looked at a few replacements when our youngest son (on his 3rd BMW) gave us the idea of a 320 td compact and that is now history as the wife is now the proud owner of one. Only having had it for a couple of days i must say that she is over the moon with its performance,comfort and most of all its fuel consumption which if the on board computer is to be believed is giving in the 60mpg's. Food for thought as my present vehicle is only returning 25mpg so a larger estate could be on the cards as i myself was very impressed when driving it home so watch this space " cheers all " Phil
  12. did a google search for BMW owners club and hey presto
  13. Welcome to the BMW Owners Club hi8prt :)

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