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Everything posted by shack

  1. Anybody???
  2. maybe I'm being a bit dense but..........where?
  3. Why do we not have a joke sticky?
  4. Thanks pal. Yup, third brake light is ok. Not sure about tugging a wire, can't think when I would have done that. If it was a switch or broken wire, would not the warning be permanently on?
  5. Lo again folken. i have an error showing on the error bar (don't know what it is really called) on my dash but as the pixles are mostly on holiday it isn't too obvious what it reads. My best guess would be "brake circuit error". This warning comes on after about 20 mins or 15 miles of normal driving. Both my brake lights are working ok. Your thoughts would be, as always, very welcome.
  6. Thankings.
  7. Lo Folken. Is there such a thing as a polish that will colour scratches? As mine is a black motor there are plenty of little marks and blemishes that I am loathed to try and colour stick away. Your help, as always, is muchly welcome.
  8. i have a mate who produces biodiesel for his own use but sells a little that he has over his needs. if it is done correctly, there are no long term effects, but it has to be produced correctly. if the process is not to spec then you end up with cats following you everywhere you drive.
  9. shack


    Thanks Ian. As I like the way it drives, methinks I will shelve that idea.
  10. Folks. It has just occured to me that the thing that my car has been missing and I've not been able to put my finger on it until today is a sunroof. I'm liking pretty much everything about the car, apart from the auto box, but it is defo lacking the sky. So, my question is......... Is it possible to get a decent, full length sunroof that will compliment the cars looks? Thankings, Ray.
  11. Lo Folks. And so it begins, the fondalisation of your grey matter. question one of what I'm sure will be many. Is the spare that should be in my 95 328 something specific or will any wheel, as long as the size matches the ones already on the car, suffice? Thankings.
  12. I am now the owner of a 95 328i coupe.
  13. 24hrs. In that case, any good slagging ideas as I'm about to get grouchy. Not living too far from said slaggee, a visit may well be in order.
  14. ....til it's OK to get a little grumpy with someone who has bought off you through eBay but is not returning your messages?
  15. five twenty se7en
  16. shack


    Raymond?????? NOOOOOO, sounds like my mum telling me off. Thanks all, hoping to looksee tomorrow with a view to buying. I've never had an auto, need one now due to an achilles rupture, so i thought I'd go for a proper auto and get a 328i se. Looking forward to time spend cudding the chew.
  17. shack


    Lo folks. Just joined the forum as I'm hoping to pick your brains so, although not entirely here as an owner, I'm in the market so to speak. There are probably several posts regarding my question but not really having navigated my way around just yet, I'm taking the easy, or lazy, option. I'm going to view a 328se 1996 later on in the week and was wondering if someone could point me out the things to beware of. I'm fairly aware of body issues, the drive and interior side of things, it's the unseeables that will catch me out. If any of you good people have any tips for me I would be most grateful. Look forward to joining in with you all properly in the future. Ray.
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