I have had my 8 Series for over a year now and so have had to insure twice. The first time was for about £325 with 7 years and a single SP30, who hasn't? And a car write off to the tune of £23k when I parked the Mrs M5 in a tree. Though I though this low cost was a fluke it came with little restrictions. Declared mileage of under 6k per year NCD not protected, just 10 days late before they changed their policy on NC's and Claasic Car Insurance. Parked in a garage Only used for personal use. Value agreed at £10k Insurance company was, and still is, Performance Direct. 2nd year as above but the SP30 is no longer present, over 5 years ago. Renewal was at £224 (8 years NCD) Not bad for this car I think. Just over 30 years of age so not "old", in my opinion.