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Everything posted by M1 KES

  1. Has anybody got any video footage of my car going up the strip? My mates let me down =(
  2. Yea i had the same problem. was the same .. 15.1 But had full tank of fuel, twin subs in the boot and all the camping gear haha Next year im taking out all unnessary weight =p race it on fumes!
  3. Yea thanks guys! Was one the best weekends iv had in ages!! Shame about the hangover. Did anyone take their car up the strip? I was more than happy with my 15 secs =D See you all next time =)
  4. So where are people sticking their passes on the windscreen? Serious eyesore on mine! Hoping there's a hand car wash up there!? Im camping saturday night so rev ya engines and wake me up! =D hehe See you guys at 8!
  5. Did i read somewhere that club stand car's need to be parked up by 8 am? Just wanted to confirm...
  6. Got my pass**
  7. My my pass gav, many thanks... Im going up saturday now and camping.... Any body else camping saturday night??
  8. I live off junction 8 of M25 and will be coming round clockwise for the M1... So ill meet people where ever suits them. My Bimmer mate is going up saturday to camp so atm its just me and one hell of a modified Johnny Works Mini!
  9. Anyone coming from the south? Anyone camping? Iv got a couple bmw mates convoying up with me if anyone wants to join us...
  10. Just to confirm... If we're gettinf passes from gav, do we still pay the £15 entrance?
  11. Only the several iv given from page 1 =p Yea im coming... Already booked it off from the misses
  12. I spy with my little eye.. someones got their X5 on ebay!? Prestige ?? =p
  13. Im deffo coming!! =)
  14. Who else is at the show today? Iv met Bec and Jac so far..
  15. Cool beans... Thanks charlee.. Is anyone going to the actual show?
  16. So whos going? Still meeting at the pub charliee suggested at 9:15? Im driving up from Epsom Surrey if anyone wants to convoy up together
  17. M1 KES


    Ill be in padstow next sunday =p
  18. So who's coming from the south? Fancy a convoy?
  19. Absolutley Gutting =( only thing i had to look forward to this month lol i really need to get a life =D hopefully enough will turn up for the backup meet!
  20. Iv sent mine too.. Awaiting his return =)
  21. Gav ill be pay palling you £10 at some point today... Let me know please when you get it. Many Thanks
  22. Sorry i missed this guys.. Was lying on a sunbed in egypt burning moaning to the girlfriend... 'Could of been at that bmw meet today =(' Looks like a nice meeting place tho... Should make this meets more frequent!
  23. Count me in.. Now iv finished my travels im getting my car back to some meets =D
  24. Does it idle ok when started? Check your choke but to me might well be a maf. With ignition off undo the maf sensor and try driving it from the same situation... If it accelerates fine then its ur maf. Wont be the Vanos i dnt think because the vanos doesnt kick in till 2000rpm. If the car feels like its slipping, u may need to top up/ replace ur transmission fluid. Might well be ur torque converter hasnt enough fluid in it. Last but not least you may be developIng either a dodgy crankshaft or cam sensor. If you car stalls, struggles to start, or feels like its in a Limp mode, it could be either one.
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