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Everything posted by M1 KES

  1. As will i ... =)
  2. ... 328i Sport
  3. Ill be there guys.. =)
  4. Im up for a convoy.. I can meet nearer dartford if it helps.. =)
  5. Hi guys.. Blew a hole in my block today.. Cars undrivable now =( Can these brittle blocks be welded? Or - Anyone have a good 328 engine i can buy?
  6. Yea luckily iv got a manual =p lol I was only describing the sympton as like a limp mode =)
  7. Had my Diagnostic today on the car and found out e36 Check Engine Lights are tempramental! Came back saying iv got a dodgy MAF (last time i buy things off ebay) And a faulty Crankshaft Position Sensor
  8. The throttle body was the first thing i cleaned.. I did both the choke and carb.. Head gasket wise.. Its usig water but very slowly.. Topped it up the morning of the kent meet and although has gone down its not by much. Trying to find time to do this valve cover gasket but hopefully today or tmw im taking to a mate with a diagnostic machine to check for any faults. Today i actually made it all the way to work without it happening lol but just hoping its not going to be anythin too Expensive coz i wanna upgrade a model soon. Ill keep you updated with what happens =)
  9. Forgot to add: -Camshaft sensor -Crankshaft sensor
  10. Hi all, im back.. Been so busy iv not had time to come on here. As some of you will know iv mentioned a limp mode problem. Iv just had a new clutch thinking that the worn thrust bearing was the problem.. However this limp mode is worse than ever!! Car is fine for the first 10-15 mins but when warm will loose power.. Like a limp mode. Idles fine but any throttle is as though the car is on choke. The car cuts out whilst stopped and struggles to start up again.. To get it out of this limp mode its gotta sit turned off for about 5 mins. Thinking out loud iv considered the following but if anyone knows of this problem please let me know: -Iv checked and monitored the choke (seems fine) -Yet to change the Valve Cover gasket -Low fuel pressure / problem with pump? -MAF sensor -Vacuum hoses Thankyouu
  11. I hope im not the only one left who farts about in the rain still =p
  12. M1 KES

    E90 3

    You know.. Thats probably the nicest looking non M3 e90 saloon on the road! That iv seen anyway =p
  13. Welcome to the club Aaron! Got any pic of the car to put up? Always like to put a car to a name =)
  14. Welcome to the club! =) Where in essex you from?
  15. No worries james, Its what we're here for =)
  16. Hitting a curb can cause many problems.. Here's some possible symptons that may be creating the problem.. Let me know if u find any. Im just giving possible causes of the top of my head that may cause your problem =) Tyre Pressures!!!!! Have you checked the tyre pressure since hitting the curb? You may have cracked the alloy or damaged the tyre which has cause loss of air. If it was the passenger side u hit, and its lost air it will cause drag and make it veer to the left. If pressures, tracking and alingment is all good (as they say) then i would start by jacking the car up so the wheel that hit the curb is off the ground. Spin it round and look for any warp in the alloy, listening for grinding noises, and feel for any resistance during a full turn. ( if resistance u may have a sticky caliper piston ) Next with one hand at the top and one underneath, see if the wheel is solid or rocks feeling as though the nuts a loose ( this could be a dodgy wheel bearing ) If everything seems fine next take the wheel off! Check the lower wishbone, see if its bent/twisted. At the end of the wishbone nearest you you'll see a balljoint that the hub is bolted to. Using a form of a pry bar look for exessive movement. This ball joint should be stiff as hell! Next check half way down the wishbone.. You'll see the drop link attached from the wishbone to te anti roll bar. Are the bushes good? Is it bent? Check your suspension arm.. Does it look bent? Is it tightly bolted to the top of the hub? Open the bonnet and find your top mounts.. Bounce the car... Are any of the 3 bolts loosing contact with the car? Also compare the side in question's top mount holder to the other side.. Are they the same shape? ( with my rock hard suspension mine were bent as hell ) Its now 4:00am and my minds gone blank as what to suggest next lol If u find the problem please let me know =) always interested to hear as this could inprove knowledge. Cheers
  17. Welcome Indyk! Very nice clean and most of all.. tasteful clubsport! =) .. Not like the boy racer ones i see around! Where abouts you from? Hope you settle in well and join us in some meets.
  18. YES prestige... I totally agree!! Iv got 5 cars... 4 of them i cant afford to insure! I went to Corfu for a few months and i personally got insured... And got to drive all sorts of cars. Insurance in this country is one of the main reasons i wanna leave the country... Even been tempted by gun ridden America. A V8 affordable as an everyday car? Yes please =D
  19. Mines up for renewal next month.. Lost 4yrs no claims last year because of some tart claiming for wiplash, after pulling out infront of me and stopping.. (only a couple scratches) which made it £3200ish for my 328.. Next month the cheapest i can find is £1900ish.. Im only 22, and now only have 1 yr ncb... Life sucks still paying that even though its dropped over a grand =(
  20. Hey, let me know if they came through ok.. Took a couple attempts before they would send
  21. Iv got a few... Waiting to get onto a computer to upload them though. Cant do it from my phone
  22. (if appicable) have u checked ur third level brake light ? Otherwise it could be ur brake light switch... Either on its way out or u may have tugged a wire somehow
  23. I think it was all said in the title =p lol Welcome to the club =) whats ya name?
  24. I ddnt get a chance to say it yesturday, but many thanks to everyone for the meet and friendly welcome yesturday =) ill try and come out my shell more next time.. Apart from being cold it was a great day! I reset my tripometer before i left home yesturday morning and have somehow covered 489.7 miles =S lol god knows how!
  25. What quote was that Ian? Lol
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