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Everything posted by Chaz_k

  1. It's no more mate, it got locked off by police about 5 months back.
  2. It's no m
  3. I too am changing my brakes next week and I have been shopping around. I also ave come across these options and I am at the moment favering te MTec discs. The 3rd option I believe are kinetic discs with mintex pads, which I don't think are too great at all. The brembos are also a decent option. One thing though mintex pads are a no no, from what iv found BMW owners have said at the mintex pads are shiiiiite. So This morning I emailed MTec asking them to price me up on te drilled and grooved discs only, because they sale there discs with mintex pads, I will then buy the brembo pads on eBay and job done. Another option is that of the CRN disc from CRN performance, i found a few decent reviews from BMW owners, basically they are the pagid discs which you can get from euro car parts, and then been re machined by CRN to a better or different quality. Here is the link. http://www.crnperformance.co.uk/store/bmw-320-320d-325-328-e46-00-on-crn-grooved-drilled-front-discs-pair.html So my suggestion Is either the MTec or CRN discs with brembo pads or better pads such as EBC red/green stuff. Good luck
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