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Everything posted by slakin57

  1. Can anyone help me to translate the following fault codes into what I need to fix please? They have recently been downloaded from my 318i SE (June 2003). Engine 27C3 Thermical oil level sensor Airbag 50 Supply voltage 70 Seat occupancy sendor (x2) 51 Fault lamp (AWL) Airbag 5E1F VIN different 5E16 CAN instrumentation 5DF4 System voltage > 9 volts 5DF7 CAN control module Instrument Panel F5 CAN-bus to ASC control unit F4 CAN-bus faulty 87 K-bus CE Ambient air temp There is an airbag warning light on the dash board (probably passenger seat sensor problem) and I know I have an intermittent problem with the rear lights. i recently had the oil warning light come on but this has now gone out as I have topped up the engine oil. The air conditioning does not work (no cold air output). I regularly get the brake warning light and 2 yellow tell tale lights for the ABS coming on together and when this happens the radio crackles/volume reduces and the temperature display goes off momentarily (all happens for 2-5 seconds). So I knowI I have an air bag fault, a rear light fault but I wonder if the other problems are connected to either a faulty temperature sensor and/or electrical problems with the instrument panel/dash board. Can anyone help - before I have to spend money getting a garage (dare I say even BMW dealer) to help??! Thanks, Sue.
  2. Problem solved by my husband fitting a new driver side window switch on the centre console. Cost approx £25 on ebay and took 15 minutes to do.
  3. Oops posted twice by mistake
  4. E46 318i SE July 2003 (face lift model I believe) 4 door, 85k miles. Had it a month and knew I would need to spend money on it as it was cheap for the miles and condition! Here we go then, these are the issues I have discovered in the last month... * rear offside light warning on on dashboard when bought (but off now!). [Light came on again. Husband fitted new light cluster which did not remove the tell tale light immediately. He also said there are rusty connections. Pleased to say light has now gone off again so not a problem at the moment] * driver side front window works on the key but not on the centre console button (have already had some advice on this one - thanks guy). [Husband fitted new switch on centre console - a 5 minute job 1 and it now works perfectly] * trip meter reset does not work * red battery warning light came on twice - checked out by RAC and no problem with v-belt or alternator. Has not happened since. * red/amber brake warning light and 2x yellow tell tale lights for ABS come on (tends to happen in rain/wet conditions?) - radio often cuts out/goes off or crackles/quietens at same time * airbag warning light partially illuminated * Air con is not cold - may need re-gassing. [Not a regassing problem - have had it looked at by an air con engineer who tells me it has plenty of gas. May be a compressor problem (hope not - expensive!) but suspect it may be a control or temp sensor fault. Diagnosis and resolution in progress] * Exhaust mounting loose - rattles. [Fixed by local garage - mounting had rotted. New one fashioned and applied] * handbrake needs adjusting - holds right at top of reach. [Common BMW problem. Handbrake adjusted by local garage and now holds after only 3-4 clicks] * dipping near side mirror does not work (not sure it should?) * I'm sure the engine sounds rougher/noisier than it should at speed. Sounds ok at low speed or when idling at rest. Could be road noise but unsure I just wonder wether some of the issues are basically electrical ones (ie most of the stuff relating to non-working electrics and dash board faults/tell tale lights???) Also can someone tell me what oil I should use - the manual only recommends BMW oil but I'm not made of money (especially given above fault list!) so need to know what common or garden oil I need to buy! [My brother also looked at the OBD codes - will post these somewhere else as I need some help on what they mean. No engine faults, no air con faults but there are airbag and other fault codes]
  5. Ok guys, thanks for the help - already have a replacement switch and (more imprtantly?) a husband with experience of fitting one on his own BMW 320Ci which was a fairly straight forward job. When switch is pressed can hear some clicking near the door frame so it may just be wiring but will investigate and find out. Will post solution when we get it fixed as it may help others.
  6. I have the following problem; Drivers side front electric window on my 2003 E46 318i SE does not open when centre console button is pressed however... The window opens and closes using the key (so presumably not a motor problem) If I open the window with the key I can close it with the centre console button It's annoying and means I have to open the door to reach ticket machines when I get to car park entrances and exits (or turn the engine off and use the key to open all the windows..etc)! The only forum posts relating to electric windows mention the regulator - would a faulty regulator cause this problem or is there another cause? Any ideas what the problem is?
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