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Everything posted by stockportlad

  1. I found a lo tech solution to the hole in the rear bumper, I've covered it up wiv a black n silver gb sticker, sorted !
  2. 913, I'm not mad this fone doesn't always scroll down to the last posting !
  3. Stuffy, too humid for me
  4. Yep my 3 yr old v70 was like that and it had no sensors, just guesswork on my part, sorry skill lol !
  5. Hi mate, no idea how to sort the problem out hopefully someone wiv more knowledge on lights/electrics will help ya out - I've got a new e92 wiv the white corona rings as standard and all 4 rings are lit even in bright sunlight as you've seen on other motors, I have seen some others wiv replacement bulbs but none of them have been as bright as the factory ones, hope you get it sorted
  6. 894 too many Stella's me thinks, Ho ho !
  7. Cheers lads, mine was a bit like that jac, one second he wasn't there and the next bang, no time for the sensors to work gav !! Just one of those things, me own fault, the main damage is from a bracket off his bumper which has punched a one inch hole right through the bumper, the rest wud polish out
  8. Less than 2 months wiv the new coupe and I only went and reversed it into a Mazda 6 on a garage forecourt today, not much damage but well and truly peed off. Always check those mirrors dudes and dudesses :(
  9. Prometheus Top film, saw it last night, v impressive
  10. Humid At least you don't need those boilers on lads !
  11. And why did Ashley Cole take a pen ahead of Andy Carroll?
  12. Once again found well short, end of
  13. Inevitable - England forever
  14. Relief, still football related
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