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Everything posted by Msportal

  1. Yeap love a v8 !!!
  2. Thanks, yes really like it apart from the fuel costs :-( these days,can't wait for some better weather so I can get out and clean it up. Then the wife will want hers cleaned as well (golf R32) looks like I will be busy this weekend if it stays dry!
  3. Hi to everyone, my speakers, I feel that there's not enough treble or mid range to the standard speakers, I have been looking at bsw speakers as they make a kit just for the e60 but they are quite expensive, so would like to know if anybody has upgraded there's and what was installed. Thanks for your help guys
  4. Partner then car but it's a very close match!
  5. Hi I have a 2005 550i msport and I'm looking to upgrade the speakers, has anyone done a speaker upgrade in a e60 any information will be a help thanks.
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