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Everything posted by marshyboy

  1. after taking the battery lead off last night i put it back on this afternoon and low and behold it started although the engine management light is still on and the engine sounds ok she is smoking a bit even more when its reved up i so hope it is just down to be in the need of a set up by the auto leccy as i so dont want to take it back out
  2. having a further look at this subject on my car today i found that i have no pas bottle butt a tank on what i would of said was the pas pump butt it appears its for both the atf and pas is this a normal thing for bmw to do i stand corrected ignore this synter newport has put me right on this and say bmw recomend atf oil for the power steering and the two are not connected at all but they will top up my box for about £150
  3. how do you top up the fluid in the auto box on a e60 3l diesel
  4. just got hold a mobile auto leccy he reckons he can sort it out hes coming monday to do it and i bet i will probably have to remortgage to pay his bill
  5. i think the car has now been crushed but they may have kept it to sell on do you think it would be possible to get the one on the car set up for this engine or is that going to be pricey
  6. would this be the cause
  7. hi dabsy no i kept the one that was on the car
  8. to the guys that no all about this i have just fitted a new engine in my e60 3 ldiesel the engine came with the wireing loom attached ready to plug and play so i have dropped the motor in connected everything as it should be but the starter will not kick in now i have never had the car started since i have had it due to the engine being dismanteled when i got it when i turn the key on to start it tells me to put foot on brake to start which i do butt nothing happens and i just noticed the engine managment light on can any one give me some info on this
  9. hi all anyone no where the fuse is for the fuel pump fuse is on this car as the ones in the boot have no identety whith them
  10. hi all can anyone tell me if the 330d engine from an 02 plate fits a 530d on a54 plate ?
  11. thanks guys for all the intel im hoping to source a new motor for a fair price rather than try and get a rebore and new pistons and hope this dont happen again as i was thinking that it could of been down to fuel pump which i dont no if the next engine will come with one although this engine dont seem to have the normal style of pump is there a super dooper one on this motor
  12. hi guys got my self a new project being a 530d on a 54 plate and got it as a non runner so i pulled the head off today to find the 3rd piston back is melted on top and the underside of the valves have what i would say is melted piston to butt the injector is fine so has anyone seen this before and no what caused this ?
  13. hi all been a merc man for a while butt im going over to bmw having just got my new project a 530d 54 plate which has a naffed motor so ill be asking a fare few (hundreds) of questions to all the know how peeps thanks marshy
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