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bonner 330ci

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Everything posted by bonner 330ci

  1. stick to what you had your heart set on first time round!! or you could end up wishing u had stuck to your gunns!!! iv done this and ended up loosin money!! iv not owned any of these but my mate has a e39 540i m and is a beast!!!!
  2. same as!!! filled qoute form and still waiting for a reply!!!!!!!!!!!!! my insurence renews on the 18th so. might have to take bizness elsewere!!! if you can beat my renewal of 95 a month youd better send a reply sharpish!!
  3. sweet, didnt really wana make a start on it to find it was glued! hopfully not!
  4. hi all im looking to take the lip spoiler off my motor and replace with the csl spoiler anyone no how it comes off?? screwed or glued just fort id ask before i end up snappin it!!
  5. nice!! didnt think it would make that much?,just had a look at your youtube vids love it top bloke looks like u love A rave too! was watchin the snow difts i was doin same sorta thing just trin to get out of my road!! goin to look into that exhaust!! cheers!!!
  6. i usedto use nono tek extreame tyre gel exellent results lasts for weeks!! good lil tip for ya just before you put anything on get the hairdryer out and go over the trim and should get you some colour back!! tyre gel works better then most trim treatments i have proof but cant load any pics up gutted!! unless some one is willing??
  7. cheers for the effort gav i could only find blank sqaures on that page??
  8. hi! if the car isnt a m3 ud have to get some reps as they would poke out too much or just get two sets of fronts if your after genuine ones?? i wanted some genuine csl for my 2001 330ci but cant for that reason, hope this was some help
  9. not too sure bud?? i had my e36 done discs pads shoes n sensors all brought n fitted buy me mate £200 all in this was out of hours so didnt have to pay the £70?? an hour labour id say parts ferodo about £50 for discs pads about 15 a side plus sensors £8ish plus an hours labour cant be no more than200 thats just random guess??
  10. would look spot on with the yellow!!
  11. always the way bud! im the same got plenty of pics just aint got a clue how to upload off fone!!
  12. lookes very good this your car i take it same as one in the carpark u uploaded?? what engine do you have? the exhaust gives a.nice note i had the scorpion boxxa on my old 328is and was very deep and had a wet farty sound deccelating more after that sorta note with pops rather than wet farts lol did it come with manifold?? cheers for uploading that bud!!!!
  13. any pics?? yellow looks good on the right car but trims n moudings would have to be original black id say get some bbs style 5 on it got a love for em at the mo!! they suit and make any bm!!
  14. they dont have the touch of class they lack in luxrey, il have to have a ganders at the jenson!! gota love the mk1 escort anglia ect whats your beema like have you got any pics??
  15. what are they like on the road?? theres a bloke near me sellin a brand new set! gaz i think? brought em for his car then stacked it b4 fittin! wanted around 650 at the time also came with adjustable camber ect
  16. your not wrong!!! just had alook and renewals and one company offered me insurence half the price as long as i had some sorta tracker or sumit inside to monitor the driving behavier and earn points per month just another big brother, good in someways i suppose but fun is out of the question?
  17. cheers! nicely priced do you no of any chaps that have invested in this to get some feedback on it?
  18. spending All day polishing now has more shine that the bishops bell! take it this is your e36?? very nice too!! must admit i miss mine big time!!! totally differnt drive to the e46 i think soo anyway! i had a near minter full m3 rep and let it go for peanuts, when i no how il load some pics up!!
  19. hi all im from eastbourne east sussex, any one on here live round this way that organises meets???
  20. nice lineup of motors bud love the new m3!!!
  21. +1!! once problems are sorted youve got a top motor!! was a jap man myself and as much fun as they are there the biggest money pits goin!! so only good for breakin not fixin unless its a evo or skyline!! them glanza v are good while they last but as u no yourself bottem end goes and still goes after shelling out on a forge rebuild!! i no this as there are some locals that had them and blew up 2 of the engines!! n ended up at my mates scrap yard for breakin stick with the bm and get your fella to trade his starlet in for a m3!! im new to them had the e36 328is with164k and my 330ci with174k both been well looked after usuall wear n tear but good as gold!!!!! there just as tuneable too!!!!
  22. lookin to buy a decent exhaust preff full supersprint somthing that sounds nice not too sure on scorpion tho?? why??
  23. not alot mate lol just regardin a mate of mine and his famous bodges!!!!
  24. love old skool fords rs; cossies ect love the jap skline evo anything turboed and idividual!! not really into farraries lambos n all that love the muscle v8s!!! what u into bud??
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