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bonner 330ci

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Everything posted by bonner 330ci

  1. love the e30!!! bloke down the road has a black e30 m3 cab its spankin would love to have that only one ive ever seen!!
  2. did you get the right offset?? also you need to get arches rolled and get tyres that are slightly under size to give a lil strech!! if you get your arches done get it done by a proffesional not by your mate dave for a drink lol ive seen a shockin job!!
  3. just up the road then!! not had ago at driftin mine. yet the e36 loved it also had lsd so was good fun! any meets up near you??
  4. hi bud as for the wheels did you get the right offset?? if so get the arches rolled!!! also with tyres might of of paid to go slightly streched as this does help!
  5. armin van buuren, in and out of love, or oakenfold southen sun!!!!!!!!! southen sun on a hot day blairin out is a must!! unless the missis is in the car i have to listen to her droney voice which drives me insane sometimes i wish i had that ejector seat but i suppose it would be a waste of a good sport seat lol
  6. hi guys n girls any one no if a simota carbon induction from a e36 m3 will fit a e46 330 any help would be great!! cheers
  7. Problem maybe fixed bud but there maybe oil residue still in the exhaust!! i had same sorta prob on a differnt car changed the turbo and all good untill it got warm then it chuffed out smoke bigtime!!! took for a blast v early in mornin hi speed and burnt all the crap out of exhaust!!!
  8. Eastbourne mate! the sunshine coast!! weve had the wettest drought on record lol Were u from bud??
  9. Ur not wrong bud!! should be sold with 20" style 5!!!!!
  10. Nice!! the ultimate work van plus a weekend drift machine id ave some of that lol turn upto santa pod wiv ya work tools in the back think ud upset a few bods
  11. Just abit too late on that one just seen the dates u were sendin lol
  12. Hi gav any chance of one of each?? Lookin to put one front and bk or is that bein greeedy lol cheers
  13. Lol cheers, only access i have is my phone so the main site maybe differnt to what i use? big fan of projects the b4s n afters ect would be nice to see some of your motors from meets mods ect maybee get my !Removed! in gear and turn upto some!? no doubt the meets are at the other end of the country lol!!
  14. Just wondered if there are any gallerys on here to veiw others pride n joys, meets, events. project builds?????
  15. Might just fo that?? ill get it upto were i want it to be then go from there?? likin the black m3 seats?
  16. Every 1 says that!! still fancie the black tho!!!
  17. Hi all!! just got a simota off ebay for £40, it came off an e36 m3 just wondered if any of ya no if it will go onto my e46 330ci are the moulds different as they seem to look identical!! secondly wiil it strangle the airflow as i had a venom kit on the e36 and it seemed to kill the power? cheers!
  18. Yeah there spot on trouble is its gettin the right ones as there are so many reps, after a massive concave look!! not sure on the stainless?? had the scorpion boxxa on my e36 328is and was tooo deep!! liking the sound of the butchered oem!! they cut em open and weld in two strait pipes an take out baffles does sound good few on youtube!
  19. Will do bud got just under 2k to blow!! that should get me new rims csl reps in matt black 19" 10j rears or maybe some ch r's or advan rs-d if any one does reps, lucky for me i got bm auto sport just around the corner hes got some lovly rims!! thinking of gettin a stainless exhaust not sure what to go for yet???? just brought a simota carbon intake doubt it will fit it came off an m3 but for 40 notes its a steal!!
  20. Gone thru 14 cars in the 5 years ive been driving from 106 to saxos escorts to fiestas including rs turbo, beast!! from audi to astra to wrx, been tryin to find the right car drive lookes blah bah then my mate got the e39 540i v8 took me out what a beast!!!!!! Found a e36 328is and swaped my wrx for it that a touch best drive yet changed man!! bmw all the way!!!!!!!!
  21. Cheers bud!! will have to put some pics up when i get my new rims and give the car a good polish!!
  22. Clock calibration!! whist car off hold rest then turn key to click 2, a list of numbers come up select 2 on screen and it then calibrates everythin not only that go thru all of the codes theres a digital rev counter plus all sorts!! enjoy
  23. Hi bud not sure if any good? my mate had same sorta prob wiv his e46 328 was all good then limp mode kicked in, first thoughts were tps, when he got round to fitting a new one he noticed the throttle body butterfly was all coked up and wouldnt open up like it was all siezin up?? could be worth a look?
  24. Cheers for the welcomes chaps!!!! waiting to get some new wheels once i get them the car will be polished and hopfully uploaded so you can all have a look also would love to put some pics up off my old e36 328is welcome too all the new members too good forum so far!!!!!!!!
  25. Nice one bud!! finally got some where!! thought id ad a pic of my new grills! got them off ebay for £65, in the listing pic they were a gloss piano black which i was after to match the window gutters as these are black, got all chuffed when they turned up then realised i had been stiffed!! turns out to be smoked chrome but have now grown on me and havent seen another bm with them yet!! Think the look good!
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