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bonner 330ci

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Everything posted by bonner 330ci

  1. Not good!!!!! wish i neva owned the impreza cuz its spoilt the fun outta every thing else!! 0 to 60 was 4 seconds!! makes the 330ci m feel like a slug! but the 330 is a propa car! the wrx is like the remote control car uve neva owned lol its good at first then gets boring!!!!!! might save up and get the beemer turboed or wait utill i can afford the m3!! just about to receive some dolla from the tax man so will be on a moddin spree!!
  2. Yeah no what your sayin bud! poxy insurence!! im 27 been drivin for 5 years neva claimed and got a renewal of £95 a month it was cheaper to insure my old import impreza wiv all the mods runnin 310 bhp how does that work???
  3. just sent them bud let us no if you got them. cheers
  4. Looks like a.no go for me might have wait for a pc, gutted wanted to show some pics of my old e36 new e46 and the red leathers i got for grabs!! cheers for your help!!
  5. Money for old rope i say!! pay it then if all good u should get a full refund at the end of year if not a rollover!! companies would make enough from intrest just another money making scam!! like u say they peenalise ya for other drivers mistakes!! u pay the insurence not that ive made a claim but why should you have to pay an exess?? my insurence went up by £20 a month by moving 5 minits up the road to a peacefull area!! i lived in town b4 hand,i had my pride and joy smashed up parts stolen and they recon it was less of a threat to were i live now?? tacho! good idea bud!!!!
  6. No joy! give up lol any bods interested il try email??
  7. Flikr just sent me on a ropey mission so gone for the photobucket just found some old pics lol uploaded pics onto it but not quite sure how to upload onto this site??
  8. Sweet! i have the app not yet used it il giv it a bash cheers!!
  9. Hi peeps im new to the forum just wanted to ad some pics up of my car only use i have is my samsung galaxy s phone have no access to a pc any help will be much appriciated!!!
  10. Makes 2 of us il have to wait till i can get on a pc shame the pics come out quite nice!!
  11. Nice!! u cant beat classic would look nice wiv some 18" staggered style 5s!! just took some pics of my red leathers but not sure how to upload from my phone??
  12. Bit more than a bit of dye!! thats guttin!! gota love the 5 series!! My mate has a e39 540i what a beast!! it was that car that got me into bmw!! i hated bmw wiv a passion till i got init!!! was a ford and jap man i swapped my scoobs for a e36 328is good job too!! just sold that for peanuts bit gutted as i preffered the drive of the 328 seemed alot quicker than my new 46 330ci!!! can u load a pic up of your 5 and tell me how lol and il put some pics up!! cheers
  13. Best back to black ive ever used is turtle wax nano extreame tyre gel!!!!!! used it on my e36 trim and works a dream!! slap it on wait for a while buff it in then re apply for glossy effect its the nuts and lasts!! use on all black trim inside and out also a good one for those headlight lenses too!! mine are chipped badly i tryed it and it worked!! just put it on leave then wipe off makes em look new have a bash and let us no!!
  14. Il see if i can sort some pics out!!!, if your seats arnt torn have you fort about dying them?? i had some black vaders in my e36 that i just sold they were shot to bits when i first got the car and my mate ad some dye left over and worked a dream!!! went over the whole lot 4 times and came out stunnin! the kit was on ebay for around£15 all in!! and it lasts
  15. Yeah no what your sayin bud! its not as bad as when i first got it all my mates think im mad but i do love black leather also i found its easier to keep?? had beige in my old a3 and was for ever cleanin it!!
  16. Yeah its oxblood not my cuppa its all in good condition electric memory not heated not sure how to upload pics i use my phone for internet??
  17. Hi all new on here, recently got me a black 330ci msport it came with red leather which im not to keen on? i got the car for a very good price so wasnt goin to let it put me off, im after a nice clean black set any one feelin the reds in e sussex
  18. Cheers and to you!!
  19. Gear stick mind of its own!! the bush has gone so dont spring back to neutral sticks near 5th makes driving a mission finding 2nd n 3rd!! once warmed up its a dream!!
  20. Lol cheers!!! The csl are nice its just finding the right set due to to so many copies out there also lovin the advan rs-d but no one seems to have replicated them?! and 3 2 4k is not in my buget!! cheers for the welcome!
  21. Hello ladies and gents just joined up,its been a very big help for past problems on my e36 328is and saved alot of money now own a 2001 e46 330ci m coupe which is a very nice example it has 174k on the clocks but drives a dream!!! looking to buy some new rims in the next couple of weeks im going for 19s as the 18 mv1 look too small on the beef of the car?? in to minds either the lms or vmr csl in matt?? thinking of the vmrs more but after a an extreamly deep concave!! maybe lookin at the m3 set with 10j rears?? thats if they will fit hassle free whats your thoughts cheers!
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