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Everything posted by J4M3S

  1. not had this problem either but maybe try slight twist and push at the same time :unsure:
  2. yeah as said stay with us all here keep the support going , and the advice it will always help someone :) onwards and upwards , good luck for the future and good health to ya .
  3. 1 yes its coupe 2 ebay good for mat sets 3 not sure on tint price 4 chips away £50 per wheel 5 prob ebay again
  4. BMWOC supporter cos i just become one :) enough said ! :lol:
  5. thats cool fair play to em , would of been better if they was driving a bmw tho lol
  6. thats just wrong cant even think of a word to describe it !!!
  7. pictures , cos i was thinking i got to put some pics of my ride on here :) .
  8. you cant help but laugh brilliant :lol:
  9. searched bmw owners club on google and here i am lol :lol: .
  10. nice mini pics :) sounds like it'll be a lot of fun on the track and certainly suprise a few on the roads too .
  11. Hi all just joined , never joined owners club before but had my (E46 325ci m sport conv) about a year now and its been great so thought it was about time lol .
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