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Everything posted by zimzimma

  1. everything works ok. Doesnt change when seatbelts are clipped in its quite annoying my mechanic mate says it could be the control module thats disfunctionate......no idea how much thats gunna cost....in regards the car light on it now isnt not sure why or how but hey im not complaining!
  2. yep 3rd brake light is fine....
  3. HI everyone. im ideally looking for a staggered set of MV2 alloys. Ive got 4 newly refurbished MV1 alloys up for grabs or can part with cash..... If anyone has anything available pm me.. thanks
  4. thanks snypa your full of usefull info i might add you to a favourite list as im sure ill have more to come lol
  5. no worries thanks again for yourt help
  6. Hi Guys Ive just recently bought my E46 320D M and i have a few issues...... On the dash there is the car display image which tells you if a door is open e.t.c it is telling me there is a problem with the bulb on the driver rear side. I know this has been changed so shouldnt be a problem. The thing is the guy i bought it off decided to reverse into a bollard and put quite a large dent just under the light on the affected side the dent was hard enough to dislodge the bumper from its clips!.... i was just wondering if this could be connected and if so what the problem may be? Also the airbag light it on ive heard this is a common problem has anyone else had this if so whats been done to correct it? Any help would be muchly appreciated thanks
  7. thinking about remap! i bought this for econamy haha

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  8. Hi Charlee nice to see another lass on here :) Cheers gav, snypa and kee and thank you for the welcome :) Snypa thanks for the number will give him a call as soon as..... do you know if he does any part ex? my mv1's are brand newly refurbished ? Thanks again :D
  9. Thanks a lot for your help mart ill keep an eye out :)
  10. Howdi all! Just got my first BMW its a black E46 320D M Sport needed something a bit more economical as my last car was an audi s3 and before that a MK3 Ibiza Cupra haha! so far so good seem to have the usually bush problems which ill get sorted i really am looking for a set of MV2 Wheels so if anybody knows of any around or selling any please let me know. Id either be looking to purchase or i have a set of 4 newly refurbished MV1 alloys to sell. Thanks guys x
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