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Everything posted by benjibigB(E60)

  1. carbon dynamics forced air induction system now fitted, along with carbon fiber wing mirrors

  2. any luck??? could really do with the club sticker too :-)
  3. hi guys, i tried to upgrade but when it comes to the payment it say it wont process because something has already happend i dont get it, i want to upgrade and get the clubsticker etc
  4. im gonna try venom now, cheerz pal
  5. The grills came off, now i am the proud owner for black ones, looks nice
  6. just found out my rear wheels was on the wrong way round lol silly me gone and lost the locking nut too so cant change them round yet lol

  7. asome lynk mate, i see how he done it, my thing is i dont know how much of the apron i can move it seems quite stiff after removing the screws i dont wanna snap my bumper of pop the paint off. im gonna have to keep trying or find someone with very small hands lol cheerz mate helped me :-)
  8. orite everyone, im kinda stuck, im wanting to remove my kidney grills on my e60 2003 530i, to turn them into black ones, i dont know how to get them off, i know theres little clip things but it just dont seem to budge, any ideas on the best way to remove them please. thanx benji
  9. anybody know where i can get a set of lowering springs for my e60, on the not very pricey side, im on a beg borrow steal budget :-)
  10. en route to england soon, without my BM :-(

  11. en route to england soon, without my BM :-(

  12. HD wax sounds pretty good, i might ditch the meguires and give that ago
  13. i know this i was told by BMW that your key charges everytime you turn it on to drive, and you can programme your keys to your seating postition which is electrically adjustble, so say u have 2 keys and 2 drivers everytime you put the key in it changes to the setting you both made lol, it baffeled me for ages, wondering why my seat kept changing. that was on my 2003 e46 330ci convertible
  14. hi, as u know im pretty new to this site, i want to become a member to upgrade and get the sticker for my window, this is the first time i have found a bmw owners club so im willing to represent BUT...i dont know how Regards keenest damn BMW man on here
  15. nice looking M3 jac

    1. Jac Barnett

      Jac Barnett

      Hello! Don't even start me off about that M3, it is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I'VE EVER SEEN.

      I didn't know this section existed. Funnily enough I was looking for a gallery or a way of posting pics, which you asked about in one of the threads, when I found this section. You can post pics in your comments on a thread, but I guess you knew that.

    2. benjibigB(E60)


      i dunno did i, i only been on here a few weeks, i think i did it with out me knowing even what i was doing lol. i need to registar so i can get the club sticker, i think JAC we should swap cars, u get the brews ill do the paper work lol

    3. Jac Barnett

      Jac Barnett

      I can't swop you this M3 Benji bacause I am deeply, DEEPLY in love with it!!

      Have you got your wheels on the right way round?

  16. is loving this new club, so many like minded people

  17. thanx, i cant wait to get started and get to grips on how this works, can i upload photos into gallery on my page i cant find anylinks anywhere
  18. its the way i roll im afraid lol obviosuly i dont roll as sexy as my wheels, um an ugly mug lol im still figuring out how to up load things and getting the hang of it all
  19. hi everyone, i am new to this site but ull be pleased im heavy on the keeness for bmws, i love them to bits hope your all ok and washing and waxing them
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