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Everything posted by Jayzzle

  1. Hello, it's me again! (Unsurprisingly) So the shed has developed yet another annoying problem, my MoT is like 3 days away (this tuesday) and the reverse lights don't work! I have checked every fuse (all are fine) I have changed every bulb, I have cleaned the connecting terminals, and swapped out bulbs I know work in various places (I.E the brake light bulb (which I know works) for the reverse light bulb which wasn't working but works in the brake light slot) and taken most of the middle console apart to find the wiring which looks intact. I don't have a multimeter so I can't test for current. Should I dig further into the gear stick shaft to see if the problem lies deeper there? (Didn't yet for fear of wrecking something) I hear it's common for a switch somewhere to fail but I have no idea where it would be or what the switch is. Is there a way to jury rig it just to get it through it's MoT? Rapidly running out of funds to get it through and so many new problems occur >.< Many thanks in advance.
  2. Legend. That got it straight away. The cable had snapped halfway down the black plastic tube thing that houses it as it runs through the engine bay, so I've just left it hanging out of the top corner of the bonnet so I can get the bonnet open again without having to take the grille off again. Many thanks for your accurate advice :)
  3. DMC was the game on ps2, I still play it now, but this new one this year, it's a bit, weird :S But that's an interesting notion about the Diesel, I might give that one a try. What other uses for Carb Cleaner have you got? :P Yeah it's nice, familiarity with posters, though I've only really spoke with 4 or 5 people, and they are always the ones to reply to my posts. It builds relationships so to speak, and like I say, provides familiarity. I always prefer places like BMWOC that are so friendly. Makes me glad I joined :)
  4. Mmmmmm. Carbon Fibre. *Drool*
  5. That middle blue one, is hot. I would LOVE my car to be that kind of colour. Or Gunmetal Grey. With white wheels. And a black bonnet, roof and boot.
  6. It's nice right? :) What colour would you prefer?
  7. That's mint. I want that in my car! Haha xD
  8. I'd love one gift wrapped with pretty pink polka dots please :) It would certainly give me something to do lol. I was playing DMC but it's a crappy copy and I'm stuck on one part of it because the game won't spawn the mobs that are supposed to be spawned so I'm just running around doing nothing :S I get so bored every day and there are a good few posts I'd think about replying to, but they are all old posts now :( Although, I did reply to one of yours I think it was with some useless information lol and that was pretty old :) My gf is sitting here telling me I should make some fairy cakes, I might have a go tomorrow to cure some of this boredom. I made a pie once, that tasted OK ^^ What are you cleaning the sump with? I heard that dishwasher liquid or tablets crushed with warm water was a good engine cleaner. Although I can't comment on the credibility of that statement lol it was on another forum I was reading. Speaking of other forums, I have been trawling some of them but I really just prefer it here tbh, without trying to slate any other forums you guys are just a nicer bunch really, friendlier and more willing to have a chat rather than to just answer the question. I think that's what's wrong with most forums nowadays, people either haven't got time for a good old chat or they are too busy trolling or taking the &#33;Removed&#33;. I asked a question on one forum and the response I got was less than hospitable. Sorry I got a bit rambly there :S It happens sometimes ^.^ :)
  9. I am.. VERY bored. I have been around some of the forums and replying to some of them, but now.. I have nothing to do, so... What do you guys do to entertain yourselves when you're bored?
  10. https://www.facebook.com/jayzzle.jahayzzle?ref=tn_tnmn :)
  11. I had this exact same problem, caused by the exact same thing lol. I must have left it on one day when changing a tyre in my front garden and driven off down the road with it on, anyway it was lost. My locking bolts were different to yours... They look similar to that. The way I fixed it, was I bought some deep impact sockets off ebay, they were only like £20 or so, and a breaker bar for like £10 off ebay also. The reason I bought them was because the spyder wrench thing I had was sheeeeeeeet, because the bolts felt like it was welded on or something, and it just rounded out the inside of the wrench. Anyway, I did much the same thing as you, smashed the 19mm socket on and offed it with the breaker bar, to get the socket off the locknut, i just screwed it into the wheel a bit again and tapped it with the hammer untill it was off, then put it back on just enough to undo the rest of the nut. Golden :)
  12. I think that would look awesome, I've never seen anything like that before so in my eyes at least it would be properly unique :)
  13. Nice thanks guys for your help :)
  14. For my E30, I have lowered it and (finally) put my oval exhaust on it, still to do is tidy up the bodywork, rebuild/replace the engine, a new interior, nice set or 17/18's and a few fibreglass panels and possibly some interior too. I want an E36 to properly pimp. With a nice kit and the like.
  15. Birth date: 29 Jul 1986 Today's date: 19 Apr 2013 You are 9761 days old. Which is 1394 weeks and 3 days. That's 26 years and 264 days, including 7 leap years*, or 26 years, 37 weeks and 5 days. In other words, that's 321 months. Therefore, you are 26.7 years old. You were born on a Tuesday, your last birthday was a Sunday and your next one will be on a Monday.
  16. Do we win anything if we are the one to get to 5000? :D 1266 (:
  17. Yeah sorry I should have said. Ok I'll have a go at that tomorrow cus It's getting dark now and I don't have a torch. Many thanks for your help mate I'll give you a shout when I have done it tomorrow to let you know how it goes :) Thanks again Bud :)
  18. Hmm, I don't put my hand anywhere. When I pull the handle in the car, it releases the bonnet and it slides forward on its runners, then I just pull it up by the windscreen to open it. It has one of them slidey forward bonnets that I've always loved so much (untill now :()
  19. Yeah I can imagine, I would love to do it, just for the experience if nothing else. I have always been into cars far more than anything else, and so far nothing has curbed my interest.
  20. Ah yeah sorry I keep forgetting about the tags, can I edit it to put some on? Ahh right I must not have taken enough of the grille off then, cos I couldn't see anything lol. Is the mech in the middle? Many thanks for your help :)
  21. I think it will take me a lot longer than a year tbh lol. I'm not very "have at it" anymore. That sounds like an awful lot of work to do for that engine, Will the rewards be worth it? I rewelded that exhaust earlier, and actually it didn't turn out too badly, I even managed to get my oval pipe on instead of that fugly round thing. I still have a slight leak but a bit of fire putty fixed that. Now it sounds lovely, I was worried when I first put it on a few weeks back because it was so loud, that's why I ended up with the massive round monstrosity, but with that rather lucky find of the middle silencer, it sounds gorgeous with the oval on. That exhaust plan you have sounds mint, I bet it will sound lush too. But, the spark plugs in the exhaust, is that safe? I've heard of it before but always thought it could make the car explode or something lol. If that's what the underside of your car will have on it then it will look amazing, and the angled twin pipes at the end look really good too, I can just picture what it would look like on my car in my mind lol. If I was to put an m20 would I need to change the ecu too? Or would it work with the one that's in it? It does sound like you are having fun while doing it, and I think I would too. It's just finding the time to be able to take it off the road for an extended period of time.
  22. I am, just a ##### sometimes...

  23. Well, I think the name sums it up well. I was fixing the car, and I needed to get into the engine bay to check something. So I pulled on the lever to pop the bonnet, and the round thing that sits in the plastic handle came off. I have had it happen a bunch of times on other cars so I wasn't so bothered about it. So I got a pair of pliers, and pulled on the bit of exposed cable to pop the bonnet, and the whole cable, just slid out of the engine bay :S So, my question is, how can I open the bonnet now with no cable attatched? I pulled the grille off but it doesn't help at all as I cant find where the bonnet cable attatched to. Any help/advice greatly appreciated :) Also, on a side note, am I allowed to start this many topics? Many thanks once again. Jay.
  24. Ahh that's nice man, has it taken long to get to where you are? See this is the problem I have atm, after taking the exhaust off (again) there is only one mounting bracket and that is failing too. Everyone starts with mint cars already or decent at least, I have (once again) bought myself a !Removed!. It's just becoming an endless list now of stuff that needs rectifying. Does that mean, that I can convert my single pipe into a twin pipe? And, if that's the case, is it better to have smaller twin pipes to a larger single pipe? Did you make the exhaust yourself? Dabs suggested I have a bash at making a 4 brancher, which I thought was a really good idea and I really wanna have a go at it. Trouble is, my welding skills leave a alot to be desired. For instance, I recently welded my exhaust from the downpipe back, and most of the weld joints leak so... Yeah. But to be fair, that's the first time I have ever welded anything and it was only leaking a little bit from each joint :D I have taken it off again to re-weld it. Hopefully it will go better this time lol. But s for the manifold, I can at least get the majority of it done and leave the welding to a Pro. The only thing that is left to decide on that front is 4-2-1 or 4-1 ^^ So your 91 5 Series is a LHD? I always wondered what it would be like to drive a LHD. Is the Motronic system from the donor car or is it a new unit? Will it just connect up nicely or have you had to do a lot of modifications to the loom? Will it be much quicker than the M20? What inspired you to change the engines? Thanks man.
  25. I read some stuff about the ecu on the MS website and they say that a lot of them are just plug and play, but then I guess it all depends on the engine setup really. I think then that if that is the route I take I will get a shop to do it rather than to buy a DIY kit. Unless I do some extensive research first.You mentioned you were in the middle of an engine swap, what are you swapping for what and how far have you got? I would love to come to one of the meets, but not in the shed I drive atm, at least not while it looks so bad, that would be embarrasing being seen in it whilst surrounded by the cars I have seen in signatures on this forum lol.
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