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  • BMW Model

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  1. Safe mode is when the car develops a fault and reduces the power as a get you home measure. Its supposed to avoid being stuck at the side of the road. Only way to cure it is to get the underlying fault sorted. Start by getting the fault codes read by a BMW dealer or reputable independent specialist. from there you will be able to get quotes for the repairs.
  2. Welcome John. Nothing humble about a 116. Fun little car by all accounts.
  3. Welcome along! I bought an E36 coupe a couple of months ago and haven't looked back! Love it bits now.
  4. tux


    Hi Stewart, you may get a little more interest if you post a few basic details. Age, condition and a guide price. :D
  5. Hello, good evening and welcome! :D
  6. Sorry Paul, I don't have any real experience of the 5 series, certainly not that new anyway, but welcome along! :D
  7. :lol: I'm in tune with that!
  8. tux


    Ever get those chrome arches Rob?
  9. Every few days????!!!! :o Crikey, mine gets a wash every couple of months if its lucky! :lol: Always been a bit lazy when it comes to car care.
  10. B) *drool drool*
  11. OOH! Bitchy! :lol: Actually it was a very well paid contract. B)
  12. tux


    Welcome along Dave. Much of a contrast between the Mazda and the Beemer?
  13. Read it again Rob, two different cars! :lol:
  14. tux


    If you have any questions about wheels, ask hersham boy. After today he knows all about them! :P
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