Right guys. I've had the go ahead from Charlee to start collecting ticket money. The tickets are £10 if we have 10 car or £12.50 for less than 10. We have 10 names, some are not definates but I'm sure there will be more added. If you would like to PayPal me £10 over with a PM or message stating your username, real name, address and phone number ill post the ticket to you as soon as i get them. Please send all moneys as a gift to gav1pam@googlemail.com via PayPal If you don't have a PayPal account, PM me and we'll sort another way out. Charlee & Gav
Easy job mate. Jack up car, take wheel off, take off 2 nuts on drop links, pull off drop link, replace, wheel back on, done. Very simple job mate, it will be self explanatory when you take off the wheel.
As soon as I get Charlees go ahead ill be taking ticket fees via PayPal and getting our passes. If anyone hasn't got paypal, PM me and we can sort another way. Gav