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Everything posted by iluminusbutterfly

  1. 23 :P
  2. I'll be there, just get someone to remind me on fb closer the time
  3. 32's for the win
  4. then disaster! some woman drove into me on a roundabout and drove off, luckily i had her numberplate so i contacted the police and the insurance company (fyi i potentially could be waiting another 6-8 months (this happened in april)) the damage: so a couple of months later i decided inspite of the damage to get back to modifying so: then, just before the mk meet i got a punture, so turned up with the car looking a bit worse for ware and, for no apparent reason i also did this: but back on subject, i had also ordered (on the day off my accident) some adjustable suspension top mounts, so eventually they got fitted, with the geometry set up with 0 toe, and 2.5 degrees up front and 1.5 degrees at rear: and finally, fitted a sub (it has been tidied up more since these pics)
  5. Thought i would show you my build thread on my e46 coupe about 2 years ago i sold my bodykitted 106 show car and purchased a nice, unmolested 323ci SE, must admit i chose the SE because every e46 i saw was the sports and i wanted something different: and this one already had electric leather sports seats in it, bargin! after a few months of trying to be sensible and not modifying it i caved in (slightly) and bought an alpina front splitter, already sprayed in topaz blue but even that wasnt enough, i had started, and i had plans, but being at uni funds where an issue, some small mods came in the way of orange indicators so i bide'd my time until i finished uni, then fitted coilovers but i still wasnt happy, i couldnt get the brake pipes to avoid the drop links on full lock and i wasnt happy with the angle the ARB sat anyway, so i popped over to see my friends at AK sportscars in peterbrough, out came the welder and we turned these: into these from my clutch fitting: fitted some tinted LED rear lights and a sticker that sums me up lowered it a tiny bit more: and removed the front plate followed swiftly by my new exhaust :P
  6. i'll admit, the tiger wasn't my strongest moment but hey it provided entertainment
  7. i think the bigger question is why was no-one else
  8. hey, yes i was the one who was dressed as a tiger at the mk meet, just thought id say hi christian
  9. hey, again
  10. do you ever look at your life and think, wtf did i just do? well this picture proves what i did, along with i fear alot more pics
  11. i was there, dressed like a tiger :)
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