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Joanna Fae

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Everything posted by Joanna Fae

  1. Thanks Daz! Have just emailed him. Tried one yesterday on ebay doing exactly tyhe same thing, but got reply that it's sold :( So, I am kinda on the right track then?! :P
  2. Hi everyone. My 3rd (spoiler) brake light unit needs replacing. The red plastic bit doesn't sit right and water has been getting in for months now I suspect (only bought car 10 days ago) found battery well full of water! Anyway, I've been looking for one online but they seem as rare as hen's teeth to get hold of! The bulb casings have rusted and the black inside cover plate is distorted and doesn't fit. I need the whole unit. In the meantime, I've sealed around the light until I can replace it. I've been asking around locally, made a few phone calls (even tried to phone the local BMW Dealership who's line was constantly engaged!) and suddenly I remembered this forum! :o Where better to ask for help/advice/tips on where to get one of these rarities! Apart from that... touch wood... my girl is the most wonderful creation on four wheels :wub: Thanks for any help Jo X
  3. Chris... if there's a daft question trophy, start engraving JO... on it! :P
  4. Gavin, it's been sunny all day today, but I have no idea about next week. *note to self* Must read owners manual and figure out how to get the roof down... :wacko: :rolleyes: Have a great week in flat old Norfolk... X
  6. Hi everyone. Well, a boot full of water - seems my third spoiler brake light seal has gone and with all the torrential rain we've had... but I'm still thrilled with the car! She's gonna have bits and pieces go wrong (old ladies do!) and I do realise that :) It's lovely to be 'one of the gang' and thank you for the welcome. Jo
  7. Just joined - picking up Z3 tomorrow! Beside myself with joy! Be gentle with me... risk of asking daft questions at various points in the future! Happy to be a Member and looking forward to getting to know you all - Joanna X
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