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  • BMW Model
    E46 318i SE
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  1. Happy Birthday jasecars!

  2. Hi Gav, I've just replaced these bushes on my car and the thread on one of the bolts had been destroyed because who ever replaced them previously (before I bought the car) had kindly cross threaded 1 of the bolts and now its got to go in and be have a helicoil fitted :angry:
  3. hi gav, any chance I could get a sticker too mate :D please
  4. Sounds good to me Gav :D
  5. Are there any plans for a run out to the Horse Shoe pass in the new year?. I missed a few last year because of work commitents but i've got a new job now which means I have weekends back again. Let me know if so.
  6. Thanks guys. Yeah mart our cars are very similar.
  7. I need to change the track control arms on my 318 E46 because the balljoints are knocking like crazy. A few garage mates have said its a real pig of a job. Is it?. I could do with a brief guide on just how difficult it is please . Any info would be really helpful
  8. Let me know the times everyone is meeting and I'll try and sort something out with work so I can go.
  9. When is the next run to horse shoe pass planned for?
  10. I ordered the key yesterday from knights. They kindly took £136 for my stupidity but on the up side, they're gonna reprogramme the central locking for free
  11. Thanks mate. I'll get the hang of this forum stuff one day
  12. Through my own stupidity I have broken the remote fob for my car and it's the only key I have, so the car is now sitting in my garage because it won't start. Does anybody know how much a new key is from the dealer or independent specialist and also do they need the car or can I just go in with the relevent proof of ID and order a key because obviously if they need the car i'm going to have to get it towed to the dealer or independent. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also if anybody knows a good indy in the Stoke on Trent area let ne know.
  13. I've messed about with it for ages and it may be possible to do. What you need to do is take the transponder chip off the circuit board, unwrap the copper coil wire around it. There is a slot on the front if the flick key case to put the transponder. You then need to replace the rechargeable battery with a normal battery then reprogramme the remote so the remote central locking works again. I've ordered a new diamond key for my car from an indy so when that one is working I'll try the above and let you know if it works.
  14. I've found out now why the car wouldn't start. When you put the gubins into the flick key case, the transponder chip is too far away from the ignition switch so it won't read the key. There is a place on the end of the flick key case to put the transponder chip but I don't know what would happen if I take it off the circuit board. If anyone knows if it's possible to remove the chip and it will still work let me know cus this flick key has cost me 14 quid and it's now sitting in my tool box empty and useless
  15. Hi. Don't attempt to swap to a more modern flick key. I've tried today and its caused me a real headache I swaped all the gubins into the new flick key case and for some reason the car wouldn't start and now also the car now won't unlock off the original fob or open the boot either
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