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  1. Hi all. I have just joined the BMWOC. My father in law has a 523i that is overheating and seems to lose water after a couple of miles. We have checked hoses but all is well. I have taken it to some general mechanics but they scratch their heads and give me the jitters. I want to know if there is anyone out there that can recommend a speciliast of this car and approximate age. Ideally I am looking for a BMW mechanic who lives and breathes for these vehicles and is not just out to try and past his mortgage down in the next couple of years, and leave me high and dry. i thought coming to the owners club might be my best bet and finding a mechanic. Ideally in the Hertfordshire, Bucks or Essex areas as I am located in Potters Bar EN6 which is Junc 24 of M25. Give us a buzz Nick 07956 306060 or email [email protected]. I dont mind spending a reasonable amount of money on repairing this vehicle as its low mileage but simply want it to go to the right caring hands and a brain of knowledge.
  2. Welcome to the BMW Owners Club Nickjwf :)

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