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Everything posted by Moander

  1. Aye, the main areas that are physically of most concern is the actual hight of the engine, and also how long the block actually is. im pretty sure it will fit, but id like to know some numbers before i start spending lol :D
  2. I Will do My best, thanks so much :)
  3. The plan is, to fit this utterly gorgeous motor into a Mx5, to make one of the best handling cars for road and track have one of the best engine known to man :) plus also to shed about 500kg off the original weight. Plus as you might guess the canoe comment isnt actually too far from the mark, the bay was designed with a v6 in mind, but in the end they went straight 4, but i really want to fit the N52B30.
  4. Hi there I'm new here but I'm curios if ne one knows how big this engine is? I mean dimensions I've seen that its 161kg but I can't seam to find out its actual size can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
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