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Everything posted by partstech

  1. Hi all, my friends e46 m3 smg 2003 model has spun a shell and the local engineering company say that they cant make the shells required for it so i need a non damaged crankshaft asap. if anyone can help it would be appreciated
  2. Hi all i know this post has been covered before but all links i have tried either have an FBI warning saying they are no longer available or they have been removed from the upload site. I have just succesfully fitted a full navi set up in my bmw e46 convertible 2.2 m sport..... not retrofit either but used the oem loom with harmon karden amp etc.... i have the 16:9 screen, the analogue tv tuner, the bm 54, the gps ariel, mk3 navi drive and 6 disk changer...... Firstly i would like to know if anyone is able to create an update disk for me that i can download and burn that has the following edited please....... 3d maps night mode custom splash screen i have the splash screen image i would like and i will try and attach it here..... if anyone can create this for me and send me a link so i can download and burn it i would be eternally greateful........ secondly.......... is there a mod for the analogue tv tuner to recieve digital signals?? and lastly ........ my ariel isnt connected to my nav install ..... which connector output on which unit do i have to plug it into so the radio works thanks again guys in advance for any help that can be given
  3. Hi all At bmw owners club im in need of some help please if this topic has been covered then i apologise now but i dont think it has........ I have a 2002 bmw e46 318 saloon that originally had the 16:9 monitor and nav fitted from the factory. i have now removed the 16:9 monitor, the bn54, the tv tuner, the gps antenna, the 6 disk mulitchanger, the heater relocation panel and the bracketry for the boot that holds most of the above... i have left the oem nav loom in the car intact and now wish to fit a factory fit radio/cd player. obviously the standard cd/radio has one type of connector that fits the radio and the navi system has the two plugs that normally fit into the monitor. i want to leave the oem navi loom in the car as the loom goes in every direction under the passenger footwell carpet and i just cant be dealing with the headache of removing it and hoping all over systems are not effected .... i have a bmw e46 318 saloon im breaking here that has the cd/radio plug and loom but want to know if there is an easy method of installing the radio using the donated connector for the stereo if i was to cut it from the donor car??? so basically i want to do the opposite of most bmw owners and remove nav and fit oem radio instead. please can anyone help me
  4. hi char were you happy with the car when you got it back?
  5. opposite the community furniture project and avis on joule road
  6. thanks guys, im located on houndsmills, feel free to look us up and see what we are about :)
  7. Hi all forum members, I am a proud owner of an e46 320i msport convertible, I am a lover of all thats BMW and im happy to announce i am just opening a new business that will cover new and used parts and servicing on all makes of bmw from 1995 to 2012. Im located in Basingstoke Hampshire and cant wait to see if my passion in life can become my livelyhood. I hope that in time i get to meet some of you members at local gatherings and car meets. PARTSTECH.bmp
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